# APF-97
# 97 REPRODUCTION OF SH1MHERING MACIC P- 168 Eiaca book " Barbie Fahione - p. 13 BARBIE 8AZAAR MAGA7.I NE Jan./Fob. 1990--p. 12 BARBIE BAZAAR MACAZZKE May/Junc 1991
1. Sc u the shoulder seans•
2. Turn up the $lcevcs and he*--*ow a top stitch near the edge of the slcevc.
3. Turn back a back faclng and scw. Turn a ncck faclng back and scw close to the edge.
4. Mark the dart*--pin and scw. Cllp tho darta *o they will lay saooth.
5. Scw the sidc seans--cllp at the underars. Sew the back.
6. Zig zag the bottoa edge of tho droas.
7. Sew snaps to the back for closing.
8. lica the dress.
1. Run a cathorlnc thread »round the hat cco-n. f,7> REMODOCTt0« 0P
2. Uac a 4 in Sinanay Hat, 3 per package--Minaturc SIlIMKEKlNC MACIC Acccasorlea no. SH 04-001 whitc bought at a craft (ACC. NAT) storę or Ual-Mart. This hat was uscd as a base.
3. Cut a piece of organza 3 in. by 12 in. Cut a piece of s 11 ver dccorated lace 3 In. by 14 in.
4. Draw the thread of the organza ao that the circlc fits the hat crown.
5. Scw the organza to the hat base by hand.
6. Scw a gathering thread on oach sidc .
7. Pin the C.F. of one sidc of the organza to the hat crown
8 Adjuat the gothera to fit acound the hat crown--scw in place by hand. Pin the other sidc of the gathered piece to the underside of the hat brla.
10. Adjust tho gathers and scw this piece to the insidc of the hat.
11. Fold the silvcrcd not piece in half and scw a gathering stitch along the edge of the fold.
12. Pin C.F. to C.F. of the hatbrIm--AdJust the gathers to fit the hat brln. Tack in place by hand.
14. Scw 6 red ribbon roses around the hat brln on the siUered lace.
15. Socure the hat to the dolls head with pins.