p. 01
1. Cut 6 H circlea ol whitc ecorgcttc.
2. Dolice R cut 2 of taffcta and 1 of ecorccttc.
3. Bodicc A cut 2 of ccorecttc and A of taffcta.
4. Back bodicc cut 4 of taffcta and 2 of ecorcettc.
5. Fantlcs--cut 2 of trlco--odse wlth lace.
1. Ele zac sew the lace around the ice od^o.
2. Sew the front and back sean wlth a xie **8 st1teh on the edee.
3. Sew the seat uith the saae Itluh.
4. Sew the walst hen ---and run an elastie
throuch it to flt the walst.
1. Tlące a ccorp.cttc bodicc of A bctwcon the t w o taffcta picccs--pin--scw--turn bo that the gcorgcito is on the right aide. Run a gathcrlng thread at the rounded bottoa.
2. Sew the aide seans of bodlce B to the back aide seans of both the c*orgottc and the taffcta.
3. Pin the bodicc top A to one ccore«ttc and taffeta piccc--adjust the cathers to flt tho curvcd edge and to lcavc a point. Then pin the
other taffeta piece on top and iev acrosa the top and down the back cd£c.
4. Turn and prosa.
I* $cw $ sklrts on the aide scaos. Leave the laat 2 open.
2. Shirt tali hen the bottoa of the sklrt wlth the nachine--prcss.
3. Run a double row of lone stitching for a gatherins thread around tho walst.
4. pin tho sklrt to the bodlce wa1»t--adJust the cathers to flt the
walst and sew.
5. Sew the back scan loavine a plackct openine at the walst.
snaps at the walst
6. Ifand atltch the edee of the placket and add and the neck for closinc.