87 2

87 2

p. 01

t APF-87


REPRODUCTIOS OF BLACK MACIC ENSEMBLE <196'.-196!.> p. $9 Eaact book Herbie Faahiont"


1.    Pin the tuiic llnlng to the uffcu bo«5ice.

2.    Sew around tho back. acrosa the top and down tho other sidt back--cllp corncrs and acrosa the top--turn.

3.    Top ttitch cloac to the edec of the back and across the top.

A. Pin tho dittl—»o«—triu cxcc8s natcrial fron the dares and pręt*.


1- Zie z*t stitch alonc the back and the hen linę of the tkirt.

2.    Run a double gathorinc thread across the wai&t of tho tkirt.

3.    Fin the tkirt to the bodice in the center front.

4.    Adju&t the gathera to fit the bodicc--wrap the enda around the bodice for a plackct.

5.    Sc w waitt linc --cllp corncrs--turn.

6.    Top ttitch on front of waiat so the tkirt will lay snooth.

7.    Sew the back tcaa--icavinga a placket opening and a aplit in tho botton of the tkirt.

8.    Hen the tkirt and tkirt tplit by hand.

9.    Sew tnapt for cloting of the bodice.


1. Cut a piece of lullo 20 in. by 6 ^in.

2. Sew fc ln. satin rlbbon along the botton of the tulić 1^ in. froa the botton edec. (This dusi be in a stralght linc.)

3.    Sew fcln. rlbbon on the 6 *> in. edees (or front) of the capc.

4.    Run a gathcrlng thread (double) acroas the top of the tulić.

5.    Cut    a piece of    fc ln. rlbbon 5 in. long. Put    a pin in the    center    btek

and    adjutt tho    gathert for the Sin. piece    of    ribbon (this    ribbon    la on

the back aide of the tulić.

6.    Zlg    sag atitch    the ribbon in place.

7.    Cut    a piece of    ribbon 18 ln. long--pin it    in the center back on    the

front aide of the tulle.

$. Sew it in place with the enda aaking a tio for the front of the capc.


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