86 3

86 3

p. 01

# APF-86

cAikds Mile Taskions

9. *6. REPKODUCTION* Or »AXDC'S DREAH (1963-1965) p. 56 Eioes-- "RARIIE FASHI0H5• "


1.    $cu shoulder seans of bodlco and talio lining.

2.    Pin lining to bodice--»ew up tho back opening-and around the nock. Clip the aloovc opening* and sen lining and bodicc slccvc opening*.

3.    Clip arounfl tho neck opening and corncrs of bodlco--turn and pro**.

A. Mark tho bodlco dart*--*cw--prc**.

5. 5ow tho bodlco aide seans•


1.    Ilon tho *klrt with tho nachino honner al*o tho chlffon *kirt hen al*o akirt pai

2.    Cut 36 In. of 2-1/0 in. wide rufflin lico the edge by the nachinc honner.

3.    Cather tho chiffon rufflc with the nachinc gatherer so that tho gathors will bo evcn.

а. Mark tho ruffie lino* with a dot on oach aide of tho panel.

5. Sew tho chlffon ruffling to tho akirt panel beginning at the botton and to tho top. Fivo row* of rufflc*.

б.    Run a gatherlng throad at tho top of the chlffon *kirt*--pln to tho *atin akirt*. (Chlffon akirt is lonccr than satln akirt.) Gatherlng throad* ahould have boon run in tho aatin akirt* beforo pinning tho chlffon akirt.

7.    Pin tho akirt* to tho aide of tho rufflod panci--5cw.

8.    Fold tho chlffon and aatin akirt ovcr the rufflod panel at the waiat nakIng a aoft ploat in front. Pin.

0. Pin the bodlco to tho akirt in tho front--adJu*t tho gathoring throad* of the akirt to flt the waist. Fold tho onds of tho akirt ovcr tho bodlco to aako a piacket---aow--clip cornor*--turn to right aldo.

10.    Sew the back seans leaving an oponing for a plackot.

11.    Sew anapa for cloalng.

12.    Sew j whitc aatin rlbbon bow with strcaacr* to the center front of Ihc *kirt waifttlinc.


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