ctfilecKS Pd i te fashions
*• Cotton pr in t aaicriłl with a black backg?ound for drcss and bonnet.
2. Uhl cc cotton natcrial for pcttlcoat and pantaloons. white collar and cuffs.
3. Lace, tlny buttons 1/8 in. blach rlbbon and cylct tria.
t. Out whltc cotton Materiał SH ln. by 13 in.
2. Zig z«e stitch one inch trio to the hen.
3. Kun 2 ęatherine threads at the waist.
4. Pin the band to the center of the pcttlcoat top and adjust the gathers to fit the band.
6. Scu the band in place.
6. Tria about t ln. fron the back of the barrd and zlg zag the raw edges.
7. Kold the ends of the band over the pcttlcoat.
8. Kold the band down ovcc the pettlcoat---pin and sew ln place.
9. Sew tho back seaa--lcavlne a plackct.
10. Sew a snap at the waist for closlng.
1. Hen the bottoa of the pants .
2. Sew 2 rows of gathered eyclct-trln on cech leg.
3. Sew the front scan.
0. Hen the waist edge.
5. Zig zag stitch the edge of the placket.
6. Sew the placket edg© down and sew the back scan.
7. Sew the inalde leg acan---turn.
8. Sew a anap on the back for closlng.
1. Sew the aklrt front seaa.
2. Sew lace and rlbbon trle 2 lnches fron the hen edge.
3. Machinę hen the aklrt.
c». Sew 2 rows of long stltches at the waist for gathcrlng.
3. Pin the tulić llnlng to the bodlce—Sew
6. Turn to the rieht aide and pin the tulić llnlng to the bodlce. Top stitch the back seans.
7. Mark the darta---sew and trio the front darts.
8. Sew the collar *cans--turn and press.
9. Ilcn the bib odge--scw anall gathered lace to the edge.
10. Sew the euffs to the slecvc.
11. Run a gathcrlng thread at the top of the slccvcs fron dot • to dot # .
12. Puli up the gathers to fit the sleeve and pin in place---sew.
13. Pin the bib to the ncck edge pin the collar (Peter Pan) over the bib--
pin blas materiał for a facing to the collar cdgc--scw carcfully.
1*. Hołd the collar edge together and sew around the ncck edge. Trin the excess blas faclnr. off.