By Bernadettę Singer


Fila fashion doli 11 1/2“ Uli. MATERIALS

Glossy ąuality crochcl cotton (or usc fil d'Ecosse) si/cs 10 and 20, dark Mue. about 50 gms (- I W 02); same tfiulily m/c 20. about 40 gms (• I 1/2 oz) light Wuc; and cordonnet sizc 20. smali amouni Wack. Sieci crochcl hooks US m/c 14, 8 and 6 (0.60, 1.25 and I 50 mm) or SIZE FOR GAUGF.. Snap fosteners, 2. PcaH butlotts. 7.


SKIRT: With dk bluc si/c 10 and hook 6. eh30 ♦ 3totura(- fmstdc Ihroughoui). ROWS 1-9 and RNDS 10-31: l)c in 5th sl from hook. then work fol Iow mc pal diagram; at cod of row 31, fasten ofi’(= black wedge) Bcforc suning dimcnsional sinpes. tracę cach sinpc on skin with a bil of eootrasting-color thrcod as imimctcd. Slripcs: Wilh black and hook 8. work cach indisidual stnpc ihus: Altach thread with sl sł in frre top-loop strand of correjp bokl-typc dc on row I of skin. eh I. then *1 sc in ftee loop strand of dc on conesp row md, 3 eh. 2-de MMe cluitcr <Bd> (*» same as 2-dc cl but work both dc in same *t below) in top of lasl sc. rep from • up lo md 30. end w ith sl sl m top of corrcsp dc of md 31 and fasten off. Kdging: A tłach black wilh sl st in top of ch-3 of md 31 (- whitc wcdgcl. eh I and work I md edging all around botlom of skin as shown; join with sl sl in first sc and fasten off (- black wedge). BODICE: With li bluc and hook 6. pick up 45 dc across beg eh of skin, work 6 rows back and fonh, then eont on one sidc only with rows 7 to 21 as shown and. ai the sumę rwie, join strap sls of row 21 to corrcsp sls of row 6 as per liny stars. Compietc 2nd stdc ui same way. matchmg marks. Kdgings: Work sc around bodicc. then across skirt opening. inelude ch-4 loop butlanhola as shown. Sew

pcarl budom in place opposilc bultonhoics. Jabot: With It Muc and liook 8, for fnll work 5 rows across front ncck of bodicc following detail dugram.

JACK LI: Wilh sue 20 dk Muc thresd and hook 8. stanmg at waist eh 38 + 3 lo tum (- first dc throughout). ROWS I-II; Dc in Sih sl from hook and work back and forth in rows. then completc

cach half front and back separalely as shown. Pcplum; work 8 additKMul rows on other sidc of beg di of jacket. Slecsts. collar and Iwtl: Refer lo eaefa detail diagram.


Work following corrcsp detail diagrams accompanicd by additional instruclions.

RETICULE lit Mue) hook 6

•' hjndlo iiom i opposite eod

BODiCE (k btue) hook 8

mateh matk to mad and join corresp *t» with sl sts

boki ryp# sti show whero to >nscn hook tor sis of firn row of jabot

jabot lit bluel

for jabot placemanc s«e bold typo dconbod.ce



work 1 sc in 30th dc of row 3 of bodicc. 1 sc in 31« dc of sam# row 3, tum and woik 9 eh Ips across 2nd side

Iging łona row)

« Wue (skirt ♦ %U jabot openmgs ptos armhotesl *K\\\

or oewf MS* ot boj eh ot sin' pd up 45 de r»«Wy tpterd

bultonhotos *


3 dc cluster <cl>: leaving lasl Ip oł eaeh st on hook. work 1 dc in cach

of 3 sls betow. yo and draw Ihru ai 4 Ips on hook

work 3 eh. Ieaving lasl lp of cach st on hook eont with 2 dc worted in corresp sc or m top of 2-de d betowa*

nooded, yo and draw thru all 3 Ips on hook


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