* APF-42 p. 01
9 42 £V EN l JCC DRESS
1. Cut unJcriKlrc 13“ x 7-. rut 2 utdth* uf tulić
7 - widc. < for ikirt)
2. Lino bod t co wtth tulić.
3. Mark darta on bodicc front--ł«w - - t r t ■ and prosa.
(front and llnlnc of tulić toccthcr.)
4. Z\% tac around slccvc and ncck fold.
(front and back.)
5. Joln thouldcr stan and icwturn araholo and hca by hand.
Joln bodlcc back and front at thc richt sldc icai and icm. j
6. Turn down ncck «dc« and s«w by hand.
7. Zit tac skin back and botton.
3. Run a gathcrlng thrcad around thc top a
adjutt to bodico--pin--and i«w.
9. Sc w thc sldc of thc skirt up to thc plackct openine•
10. Turn thc plackct opcnlng and hca by hand--scw on thc snaps for closine*
11. Place both plcccs of tulić on top of cach other--run a cathcnnc thrcad alone tho top.
12. Adjust eathers to flt thc waist band--scw--turn. Finlsh back of walst band by hand.
13. Scw thc back seiss of thc tulić and flntsh wtth a snap.
14. Also usc a fuli undcrsklrt with thc dress.