Soviet circles in London have compfained to thc K r e m I i n about the naming of thc new Polish air dctachment formed herc as “ thc Vilna Squadron.”

*    *    *

As thc Polish Government considcrs itsclf at war with Russia, this squadron (under a British C.O.) should not bear the namc of the Capital of Soviet Lithuania. Protest from Krcmlin cxpected. Namc may be changi SttSBsk *    *    *


Uijcinek zqaze!q emowiqjqcij

prole/f wfaJt JowieckicK oelne/nic

natuij dijonu „Lii lewki

"Jednak ń<

azua nie zojfata zmieniona .

Bat^coniłę lo apr wosumc A iuio-.d^c jwmec.

517 JI I ii J

tr v i 1% U



—EVENING CHRONICLE, Mon., March 24. 1941


Ready to Defend Britain

i T dawn to-daj anothi;-

•    1 Polish sauft&ron tcok tho a Sr to defend Britain as par of thc Fighter Command or th •t.A.K. For thc. !ast fcw \vcei:a ,‘his big sauadron has been Drcparing.

1 Sgftrcely ono pilot has less than ' 000 flylitg hours' cxpcripurc t*nd scver.it havc between 2.000 nad 'j.OOO hottrś ln their log booles.

Alton from thc Bntlsh com-uiutidmy oflicer and ;\vo Erlt&h flight-commanckus a'.l thc )>©;•-wmicl arc Polish.

Baulcs wlth thc " Hun " will be mothing now to lndlvldual pilots of tbss fitjiiudron. staf.oa tac Air

oWccrto the yonngcst ptloi almos! ,ft)l h«vc been In a aambi:    i on


Sevcrttl nf thc Polos fonch: for ■Jr.tain dnriitR thc August and : Scp.onbor combats of la?; ycar

•    nd oetween them they havc *fcady shot down 35 German planes In thc dcfcncc of Biitain.

ł The DEM. was awnrdcd to nr.c ,acv«eani-pilo; of thc stniadrbn less Ahan a wock aco

Holds Polish V.C.

The Polish squadron leader has ■tnrec Ocmlans to his credit and anaros a fotmh. Hc holds the Po;:si' V.C. He was a hol down 'tost aununer when thc so.uaciron •vith which hó was tłten flving MlUlckeil a largo fonnstion o: enemy bombers and flehters over Koju.

Hc hod to bale. out oj h!s bl»;-inę aircruf: but not bcforc hc ha-i scen a brotne-r Pole shoot down two Dornie:.!-.

Another Polish o i'.ot in thc sepiadron holds the D.RC H s bag of conflrmed victoriOs Ls six. and ho has a number of "pror-ab.’y destroyed" and “damaRCd' German eSrcraft to h:s credit.'

The averagc aćc of thc pilots in thc Kjuadron :$ 23 and the Br.P.sh commanoinę ofłleer is dcl.shWd witn his nten.

•• Viina ” 5s to be thc namc ot thc stpiadron.

Uycinek z ^azetif oma wiajqeij prztjrfqpienie dijonu Jo pracy opera cyjnej.


..pil. :    4 I N A

ri MAR ■r.—a -4 ——

V npt.pil. f C " Ł I i:    ntoni lir. 'Ali) o_.or.daicnry.

yj?. -ii. * i I :: \7 » :: I J n ::r. ) cKjQQ o;-or. dnioru^r i nocny

.W.::1X.    :: l ■> I II a >: .. ictrlcu lir.P 1:I30 rrioopor cyjny

' I^por.idl. O L >\ TL .Torsy ia*.7r7C6 cr->tr. sienny

lppr.pil. . U1U A 7odeoos ;rr.7C70) o^ior.^sienny

^ ^pcr.płl. .1 A S T : L Jw.wlk : r.    o*or. .lcłonry


i ii^or.pll. £ ;l A T K B 2aloucs lir.!** 071 nioopcreoyjty / i<C O.T.U. / V/ p.ar.pil. B00H1UAS :> taniał w lir-. P 0.^1 J O 3 Z O 2 A X 3teni32nw Itt-.i* 0^86 pDcr. jdl. .5 I 1 O ?. * J . I J toriiin - r. i.1 lOfJ0 nioopore^Jiiy ✓ l^por.pil. :* O J O I IC iCsrol ;i*. P Hol    "

Ot.t\sor.;dl. VI L Jó.to.<* 3 a?. 730578 o^.ddonny. v Kopr.rAl. LAGI ' J ) ił 3 i: i tlirfml Itr. 7801-a:    oi-or.Osterwy.

\j Por. pil. 3 v.    o v r. ‘‘-781 oper. daienqy

i/ i or.\d ,    i 1 G j.tt/oI I2r. 707*3 r or. Oai oqy

I rłor.pil. • Toilousa .r. P OOCG oi5r.'lsi<rry i nocny i por. pil. U A , / ii ) f u K I An raej Nr.P 05; 17 opor.dsleay i nocr^

.X>or.pll.    n i. f t ;; : ^wiou.s ::r. . 0700 a:.or. aniony

Ppor.pil.    :c    I flatyzfcnr !fr. x» ilO ni op ituyj^y    -r 6 O.T.tT. /

Ppor.pil. b li    ii O ’ S £ I Tt.deuas :?r. P (303    n

pir.pil. c 8    O KI St^nioiAT Kr. P 0841

l-por.pll. t. U A 3 2 ■; i I O ',t->nlc2iuf lir. i 0010 n • ocr wirocyjny

i    : . I atenlfiiw; :ł»* 70 1)7 cr cy^ny . .tomy

ilut. ,il. TL O a w I ronlolcrw :r, 78 3) or oratylr/ojz\y i

ilu . u i    et8XX Jioai ;&?.7c    .

O P 11 Ii A T I O li ROP : l

ICnt.pil. IC O ,7 A L O Z X K Adam Nr. P 019-1 oper. dzienny Por. pil. 03 T SZU S X I Piotr. Kr. 7674-1 o er. dzienny.

Domyła 517 ;>y*rtzjQou ;\ynl/

nia 2 łarLotnie |0tt r.


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