cp 26

cp 26

honor. Hc delivcrcd a talk on thc value of Health and relatcd some of his various wandcring* around thc world.

A spccial Kiwanis committee was namcd to accompany thc distin-guishcd visttor about thc city. The committcc was composcd of Mayor Fred Latta. Prof. R. L. Harris, superintendent of public schooU: Dr. D.


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Artii • a*

li ml trał

Chicago Police to Arrest Their Attention on Grace

Tor grac* In pottum. whalbar w»!ki*»r. atffcdln* or aUtlng. Odcjtu połkaman tono will tuva aUtialaa of aackot Graaea i»©k-Ing lik* ir,m»Uł of Ib# Inc urabia »*nl ot tha Coantjr Hoapital tf taplam Uodfray n«vJrłjtn»« ba a anythłag to uy about It

ker a

Captatii Rodriguta. whó U attaebad to tha haalth dapartmant. mad# art*iił»m«nlł je.tarday »Ub l*ttea CommUalooar Rtuaall ■nil will anon Iw gin Inatructiag polka tfrlll m>«t«ri

HU melbo.! U almpia. It rrtiuUt. nialu?) of tha 'lieod up. chwat oot— abdnwan In.” *t rotora Caputa Kodrlgnaa my ba h«a ■i ml Ud aut mu of •iirlw Crwk athktaa andMbajr all ataod Out w*y.

“It makr* for chart mpanmon battar digaatlon and rtnculatiao. and jr*ai*r aaae In w&łklng. •Undlng or rttttag.~ bo •aya.

Aftrr Cg pulu Rpdrtguaa tata through wllh th» drl» nuitar* hr U golng to nork o« th* aargagnta. and ibrn. partu pa. o* tha “rookU" rairnimrn tttitil tha ratka polka forta bcocnag a compoatt# picturc of A polio.

B l.avcndrr. prominent minister; J. F. NichoUon. W. F. Anderson and W. S. Beasley.

Following thc Kiwanis luncheon Capt. Rodrigurs delivcrcd a talk in thc auditorium of thc Columbia High tchool which was filled to capach V- He was introduced here by Prof. Harris.

—\athvtlle banntr.

Capt. Rodrigues’ system best tonie any pbysician can prcscribc.** —Dr. A. A. Cairm. Director Dept. of Health. Philadelphta.

I want to know all about Capt. Rodrigues' met bod so thał 1 can instruct our men according to his idcas.

*—Lteui. Harry Edward*. Drill Mauer. Philadelphta Public Safety.


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