tADIOH PŁOCI YA Vol 6, Wo {~~\966


Nlkolal Ioslfovlch Shapiro (On tho Oocaslon of His

Slxtleth Blrthday)................................. 1

E. N. Kabakoy, N. N. Perestoronina, V. O. Gorbunova.

Bonę Marrow Destruotlon as a Quantltative

Criterion ot Radiation Injury. 1. Selection of

the Period for Plotting the Dose-Effect Curves.....    5

N. B. Strazheyakaya, V. A. Struchkoy, 0, S. Kalendo.

On the Inltlal Damage to Nuclear Structures by Ionlzlng Radiation.• •••• ........................... 13

A. R. Efeiazarova, K. Sh. Nadarelshylll, M. M.

Zaallashylll. Influence of Ionlzlng Radiation on the Propertles of Monomolecular Layers of Crystal-

llne Myoaln and the Characterlstlcs of Gel

Formatlon of Its Solutions......................... 25

Z. N. Nakhll'nltskaya. Analyala of the Phenomenon of

Loaa of Potasalum łona by Irradlated Cells......... 35

A. I. Nikolaev, S. M. Khallfaev, Kh. R. Mukham-madzhanoy. Influence of Conplex Compounds of Tracę Elementa on the Ratę of Incorporatlon of

Glyclne into Gamma Globulin and Antlbodles of Nonlrradiated and Irradlated Rats..................    47

V. N. Flllppoya, L. I. Soldatenkoya. Influence of Whole-Body X Irradlatlon on the Urldlne Dlphosphate Glucose System of Glyoogen Syntheals ln Bonę Harrow Cells............................... 50

I. V. Savltskil, N. F. Leus. Influenoe of X Irradia-tlon on the Prooesees of Blosyntheels and Deoomposltlon of Phosphate Estera of Yitaaln    55

Z. V. Dubrovlna, P. M. Maikin. On the Differenoe ln the Parametera Charaoterlslng the Metabollsa of Radloaotlve and Stable Caloium after Brlef Inoorporatlon of the Radioisotope# •.. .............. 62

T. V. Kazueva. Influenoe of Whole-Body X Irradlatlon on Heme Blosyntheels ln Vltro by Heaolyiates of Hen Srythrooytes................................... 70


Aval labie Proa AEC-tr-677$


198 -


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