cp 79

cp 79

cattlc that grow fal on thc rangcs. fccd on thc grass which I help nurture. all look to mc with worshipful eyes.

“It is no smali wonder that in ancicnt limes, men with upturncd hcarts, and fcarful eyes. worshipped me as I travelcd through the sky. So great is my life-giving and health-restor-ing qualitics. that men mistook me for God Himself.

“I am but one of many. for in my Fathcr’s housc are many servants. whose help and blcssings are frecly yours.

“Lie down w herc my warm rays can reach you. Don't scck a shady spot under a tree or beside a stone wali. Go out into thc open and allow my fellow worker. the Air. to fili your lungs with clean and invigorating oxygcn.

"Spread your arms out from your body and bring them back until they mect on your chest. Continue this cxercise for a few minutes. then rest. but atways hołd in thc abdomen. Whcn you are rested. do it again. Stay out under my rays until your skin wams you that it is being burned by my warmth. Seck me the next day and stay with mc a littlc longcr. Slowly thc tan. which is Naturc's protcction. will come and covcr your skin and then you will be ablc to stay with mc for hours instead of minutes. In this you must remember that my powers are very great and in thc begin-ning of our intimate fricndsbip, you must use your own good common sense.

“Trecs arc beautiful creations. but do not allow their shadows, or the shadow of anything clse, to stand bctwccn us or interfere with my work for you.

"I give you my solcmn promisc that I will be on band whcn you necd me. and that you must mcci me at least half way. I have not thc power. howcver. to move trecs in order to reach you. 1 cannot bc on both sides of a stone wali cxcept for a few minutes cach day. nor can I go through roofs and sides of buildings to help you. All that A ask is that you keep


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