1. Scw thc shouldcr icibs of tho coat and llninc.
2. Hen thc slccvcs--top stitch along thc slcevc edge.
3. Scw thc coat and llninc sldc seans. Clip thc arn hole bend.
4. Sew aide seans of thc coat skirt and thc llninc skirt.
5. kun a catherinc thread at thc waiat of thc coat aklrt and tho llninc-
6. Pin coat skirt to coat top at thc center back--pin thc fronts and adjust thc eothers and scw,
7. Oo thc same for thc llnlng.
S. Press thc coat and llninc*
9. Pin thc llninc to thc coat-- scw. Lcavc an openinc tn thc bottoa.
10. Clip thc corncrs and around thc ncck openinc-
11. Turn thc coat to thc outslde and press.
12. Iland scw thc openinc at thc bottoa of thc coat.
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