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Army; the Mayor of the town, Mr. Kowal owaki and thc Dlstrict Commandor of tho Underground Amy have also bo on arrostod. Ali tho ordors of tho “Polish Committee of National Liberation”are executed by the N.K.W.D. {tho Soviot political polico). Conscription for thc amy is being oarriod out on a large scalę".
Thcao facts should be supplemented by moro detniled Information wh ha3 latoly roached London from tho Piblish Underground:
1. When the Soviet Forcos were approaching Wilno, detachwenfcs of tho Polish Underground Amy attackod the Germnns and drov© them out from a largo part 'of tho towni Ih this. wr.y thoy renderod consido-rablo help to tho advancing Russians. Whon thc Soviot nrmies had on-tored Wilno, tho Polish dotachments dcclarod thoir rc^dinoss to coo-perate with them in tho furthofr strugglo against tho common enemy.
A fcw days later, on July 17th> the Soviet Authoritics arrostod thc officers commanding theso dotachments. Tho mon woro disarmed.
2. Aftcr July 20th tho Sovict Authoritics bogan disarming thoso dotachments of tho Underground Army which had succodcd in dcfcating and disloging tho Germans from tho Kock-Lubartow region, desrpitc tho fact that they also had dcclarod their readiness to cooperatc with tho Soviot Army.
3. From July 27th onwards thc Soviet Authorities began disarming
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*11 detnehmonts of thc Undcrgroud Army which, having fought the Gcr-mnns in Lublin and lts neighbourhood (to tho Wost oifi tho so-callcd Curson Lino) had como ,irito the opon and tried to cooporato in a frion-dly mannor with tho Rod Amy. Somo officers and men woro arrostod and transferrod to Majdanek, tho notoriou3 ooaoontration cnmp set up by tho Germans for the 3pocific purposc of extorminating Jows. Tho staff. of tho 8th and 9th Infantry Divisions of the Underground Amy with generał Halka, as woli as somo 200 officers and n.c.o,fs togother with