Numerous sources have informed us of the significance of the town of Viborg. Located In the heart of Jutland, Viborg was a vital trade center during the Viking and Middle Ages. Haervejen, a northem-southem route, ran along Viborg,s foothills and lakes and therefore afforded direct contact with northeastem Europę. A scholar named Adam of Bremen notes in the year 1050 that a joumey along Haervejen from Schleswig in the south to Aalborg in the north could be madę in a matter of five to six days. Likewise, one could sail to such destinations as England, Zealand, Sweden and the Baltic countries along Limfjorden, which cuts across northem Jutland.
King Canute the Great (1018-1035) was responsible for making Viborg one of Denmark's foremost minting cities. Later - during the time of Svend Estridsen (1047-1074) - a bishopric was established here. In addition, the Danish kings were coronated in VMx>rg, and as recounted by a monk jElnoth from Odense, men from throughout Jutland met regularly in Yiborg to negotiate their affairs and discuss legał issues.
Looking west onto the eariy Medieval Sariderso sęttlement as depiaed by the anist Johannes Bsech.
The Viklng settlement was located where the cathedral and Storę Set. Pederstraede are located today. However, a smali er area inhabitated by artisans and their families was located near the lakę shore of Sonderso. It was here that the shirt fragments were found when Yiborg Stijłsmuseum conducted archaeological excavations in 1985.