fet. )3> 1


Town Counoil of the town Macukow on the eespion in the day 5o of

August 1947, reaolved tue following reeolution:

ConociODS of eternul Anjurios oauaed by German natlon to the

i oli£5h one, we proteet in the most oategoric mana er agaloet re-

visione oarried in Di;,r» Civmps by German polioo id tae wuy offeu-

ding ovoiy'prinoiplos of humanity. In the peroeptiou of injury tuking place to ue, 1jo1op, in tho newt of the condetaned by all

oiviliped l»orld national- pocialieyi, wo appeal tp the Jiritloa

*utboritiee to take uc on der proteotion beforo reoponeibleu man faotoiw, who in tueir methocis of ac in the face of ue, i-oles, they oonforcr. the hitlorian prlnoiplot .

Town Oouaeil of the tovm iUcekow ugree ent.roly *itn

the rei olution of the Uirtriet ocoretaryndip of ; i ofuŁ>« ional


Union*5 itannovcr^i-h"auuechweig oondemning the method o:' Yiolonoe ana i na ul te uoed by Gemun pelice aguiuet dofencoleee i5oiuo io the    fiJav4p ±dj/inar and othera.

In the peroeption of injury in the faoe of breuklrig generally obligi.ig lawę of menklncl, we repeat with anotherc i)P’o, that we oau not morę to suppofct of humiliations frota the sjidc of huetile. to u,a German nutlon and we claim to giv© no pos-aibiiity to lenwe tho ground of Geraan Country.



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