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“Eating frequently throughout the day is really critical for people who bura a lot of calories,” Clark said. But that doesift mean just any snack — or unlimited amounts. She suggests a piece of fruit. a seryjne of nuts, or ęelery/with peanut butter. And she doesn't recommend those 100-calorie snack packs. They may be 100 calories, but most are not rich in nutrients, like fruit or nuts would be, Clark said. Players also muśt pay attention to energy and calorie needs when they are injured. An athlete might be in such, a set | routine that she just keeps eating as usual even though she isn't playing or practising as usual, Clark said. To avoid weight gain and stay strong, she tells players to continue eating their favorite healthy foods, but to reduce the portions and switch to water as a drink. Drinks are an important part of the overall nutrition strategy, Clark said. She encourages sports drinks, but only during practice and games when players’ energy supplies are depleted ana they need to refuel. Her top beverage picks are milk, water with a

squeeze of lemon, smoothies, and 100% fruit juice. “When we’re at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I’d


rather see them drink a nutritional beverage,” said Clark, who is also director of sports nutrition at Penn State University.

The women’s soccer team travels all over the world to compete. It’s Colorado one day and Sweden the next. That means the players spend plenty of time away from their home basę and lots of hours in airports. Clark still encourages the “make every calorie count” approach even when the team is on the road. In airports, she tells players to choose fruit, yogurt, salad with lean protein (such as egg or chicken),


sandwiches with lean protein and veggies, or trail mix. Even at a fast food restaurant, players can find what their bodies need, Clark said. She suggests this fast food meal: milk and a grilled chicken sandwich. Still hungiy? Clark tells players to order another chicken sandwich instead of adding French fries.

Eating abroad was extra challenging during the Olympics, when 18 of the players traveled to China to compete as the U.S. Olympic team. They took home the gold! But they couldn't perfonn at their best without good nutrition. Due to concerns that the food supply in China is unsafe, the U.S. Olympic teams shipped in their own food and brought their own chef. Clark encouraged the soccer players to take their own snacks and supplemental foods. They packed dried fruit, peanut butter, sports bars, cans of tuna, and even sliced beef, said Clark, who serves on the U.S. Olympic Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. And what was Clark's Olympic prediction for this team of healthy eaters? "I tike their chances 150%," she said several weeks before the games.

11. What is Cris Clark’s recipe for success in soccer?

-Aa) quick reaction time, willpower, a healthy diet

b)    hard work, strength of mind, no snacks

c)    strength, endurance, a meat-rich diet

12. Which of the following IS NOT Cłark’s idea of good food for an athlete? a) eggs and tofu

^b) red meat

noodles with rhpesp


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