54375 unit06
Mark: Hey, Jenny. The carnival is really good. I'm having fun.
Jenny: Yes, me too, Mark. Look at the women. They're wearing nice costumes.
Mark: Yes. Can you hear the musie? The boy is playing a drum.
Jenny: He isn't. He's playing two drums.
Mark: Where's Vicki?
Jenny: She's dancing with Rob over there.
Mark: Are they wearing costumes?
Jenny: No, they're not.
Mark: I'm hungry. Do you want to get some chips?
Jenny: Yes, there's a man sellinq_them in a van.
Mark: I'm thirsty too. Do you want cola or lemonade? Jenny: Cola.
Mark: Vicki and Rob can have some too.
Jenny: Yes. That's a good idea. I like it here!
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