Spy Circuits
Strona 19 z 46
\/Antenna I 165cm
A PNP in the buffer is not a good performer
The following Circuit (from the web) takes 30mA. This is wasted current. As we said before, any voltage abov« any current above 12mA for this type of Circuit is excess. A BC 557 cannot dea! with any morę than 5mA colle Any morę than 5mA is wasted. That's why you need an RF transistor in the output.
6 turns v y
3mm dia y Antenna
O.Smm wire I 165cm
The buffer is taking excess current
The following Circuit taps the emitter of the oscillator stage. We have already explained the collector or the err and produce about the same results.
6 turns .
3mrn dia V Antenna
O.Smm wire I 165cm
Tapping the emitter of the oscillator transistor
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