Disease is Evil
urge you to eonie to me FIRST, with the assuranec that I can help you—not through pills, drugs, medicines and quackcry, but by PROVEN, simplc> casy to follow, natural methods—methods that get rcsults when all others fail.
You want sound vital organs—with REAL inner Strength and cndurance. It is not much good to havc a big lump on your arm if you haven’t the vitaliry, the cndurance. the staying powers, the stamina with which to back up the cxtcrnal muscular dcvclopmcnt. You want big muscles, surc—and under my dircction you’11 get them, but you also rctjuire reservc power, sound lungs, a powerful heart. a good, strong stornach and livcr. The insidc “works” must function perfcctly. As soon as your cnrollment is receivcd I get right on rhc job and put thesc vital organs in pcrfcct condition FIRST. Then you’vc something on which to build. You have the bodily foundntion on which you can easily pile hard, powerful, useful muscles. Wc all want GREAT STRENGTEL And Fm going to make you mighty STRONG! The ncw methods I teach not only gavc me Pcrfcct Health and a Perfcct Physiąue, but also madę me the World’s Strongcst Physical Dircctor.
I do not know the science of weight lifting but when I ani reąuired to givc a dcmonstration I cxhibit super human power. On another page you will find listed a fcw of the records I hołd. When I lift, it is accomplishcd by sheer muscular energy and not science. This is the kind of terrific strength you want, and I tell you how to get it by my special seeref methods—all of which are fully explaincd in my Coursc. Great STRENGTH is ncccs.sary to Succcss. It cnablcs you to work long and strcnuousiy without tiring. You are ablc to protect yourself and loved ones in any cmergcncy. If you havc such terrific strength others are actuaily compellcd to respect you. You nced this STRENGTH in every day life—and I show you how to get it ąuickly.
l,tarn to Fstl at Hase in a Bat/iino Suit.
No matter what your present condition, I GUARANTEE to bring your body to its utmost degree of pcrfcction. That means your physiquc will bc properly balanced. You will have a devclopment of which you will indced be proud. In the summer time when bathing suits are in style—what will your friends think of your devclopmcnt? Every woman admires a vvcll dcvclopcd, powerful body. Through my instructions you can take off or put on weight whcrever desired. Muscles that are powerful, bcautiful and symmctrical—will make you admired instead of piłied. Most persons havc some physical dcfect which can, by my scientific methods bc easily correctcd or overcome. To havc a fiat chest, drooping shoulders. protruding abdomen, knock knees.
Ile alone lives wito ttses his strength