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Social aDu Eoonornic Plannin;- .
Nrom the lianifesto of the National Counoil of Polani: Jt /
a) Expropriation of larger eatates - without componsation, 7^,
b) National i kation of larger inaustrial Enterprises, banks, means of transport.
ifrom tho Nanifesto of the Polish Committee of National Liberation:
"National property now in the hands of the German State and indiv-idual German capitalists, namely large industrial, traaing, banking and transport enterprises, also forests, will pass under the control of the Provisional State Administration. As eoonomic relations oecome settled, property will be returned to its owners.
CompatriotsJ In order to speed up rehabilitation of the country and satisfy the eternal yearning of the Polish peasantry for land, the Polish Committee of National Liberation will iram-euiately proceed to large-seale agrarian reform in the liberated territories, V/ith this end in view, a Land Fund will be establish-ed under the control of the Department of Agriculture and Agrarian Reforms, This Fund will include, in addition to agrieult-ural implements, livestock and bulldings, also the German'a lands, landa of traitors to the people, and landlords esjtateaj A j\ exceeding 50 hectares -(and on territories incorporated into li* the German Empire, in the main thoee exceeding 100 hectares),
The Germans* lands and the land of traitors to the people will be confiscatod. The landed estates will be turned over to the Land Pund without compensation oorresponuing to the size of the estate, but their former owners will be provided for, Landowners who have rendered service to the i.totherland in fighting the Germans will reoeive morę.
The land gathered in the Land fund except land destined for model farms, v/ill be distributed among the poor peasants, middle peasants, smali tenents, farmera with iarge familiea and agricult-ural labourers. Land distributed by the Land fund for a minimum payment will be private property, just like the land which prev-iously bolonged to individuals, The Land fund will set up new farms or extend the areas of farms with little land, taking as a basie a norm of five hectares of usable land of average ouality for an average family. farms unable to obtain this norm in their own district will have the right to move, with State assistance, to territory with vaoant land, mainly to land taken away from Germany",
These two documents contain a certain contradiction. In the second only an agrarian reform is mentioned while the principle of nationalization of larger industrial enterprises, banks and means of transport is not elearly exoressed.
The part of the Committee's of Liberation nanifesto dealing with the agrarian reform contains a passage about "raodel-farras"