Obraz0005 (3)

Obraz0005 (3)

U Mark thc correct answer

1.    Which of ihe foliowing is no; a characteristic of the ianguage of Ar.glo-Saxor. poetry:

a) alliteration b) kennings c) caesura (a break or pause in a iir.e ofverse) d) rhyme

2.    Which of thc foliowing characters does not appear Ln medieval romances:

a) Charlcmagnc b) Pcrccval    c) Grendel    d) Bral

3.    According to Geoffrey ofMonmouth the founder ofthe Kingdom ofBritain camc from:

a) France    b)Rome    c)Trov    d)Greece

A. Which season of the year is described a: the very fceginning of “The General Prologuc” to The Car.terbury Tales:

a) summer    b) autumn    c) winter    d) spring

5.    Which of the foliowing poets did not writc sonnets;

a) Dante    b) Donnę    c) Chaucer    d)    Wyatt

6.    Which of the foliowing is not true about Elizabethan theatre.

a)    female parts were acted by young boys (women could not be actors)

b)    thc classical principle of the three unities was observed (time, spa:e and action)

c)    thc stage was sunounded from three sides by thc audier.ee, who took ar. active pan in thc performance

d)    the stage was almost bare (very simplc scenery, no special props)

7.    By Shakespearean scholars Macbelh is classified as:

a)tragedy b)comcdy c) history or chronicie p!ay d) romance

8.    Which of the foliowing is not a generał characteristic of metaphysical poetry: a)unusual imagery b) solemn tonę c) surprising conclusion d)intel!ectual discipline

9.    Which of the foliowing poems would be the best example of Cavalier poetry which mixes the themes ubi sunt and carpe diem?

a) “Song" by John Suckling b) “Upon Julia’s Breasts" by Robert Heniek c) “The Fica” by John Donnę d) "To Celia" by Ben Jonson

10.    Which of the foliowing poets is considered the father of ncoclassical aesthetics? a) William Shakespeare b) Geoffrey Chaucer c) John Donnę d) Ber. Jonsoa


II Mark tfce correct answer

1. Which of the foliowing is not a characteristic of the Ianguage of Anglo-Saxon poeto1:

2.    Which of the foliowing is not tnie about Ar.glo-Norman literaturę:

a)    ‘it was infiuenced by Celtic folklore

b)    it was infiuenced by the tradition of court!y-!ove

(§j) it was morę solttnn and austere tban Anglo-Saxon literaturę d) it was written in French or Latin

3.    Whicb of the foliowing characters does not belong to Eoglish medieval literaturę:

a) Merlin (bj)Hro:hgar c) Gawain d) Lancelot

4.    Everyn;an is an example of:

a) mysteryplay (^norality play c) miracle play d)tragedy

5.    Which season of thc >-car is described at the very btginning of'Tne General Prologue” to The Carterbwy Tales:

a) summer    b) autumn    ,c) winter    (^spring

6.    What is the name for the last part of the Eoglish sonnet?

(a^)couplet    b) tercet    c) ąuatrain    d) sestet

7.    By Shakespearean scholara Romeo and Julie: is classified as:

(a) tragedy b) comedy c) history or chronicie play d) romance

8.    The plot of Macbeth is based on:

(ajli loJinshcrPs Chronicies    b) Ovid’s Mclamorphoscs

c) Plutarch’s Uvts    d) Shakcspearc invented it himself

9.    The phrase "studied negligence" is &equently used to dcscribe:    _

• a) Eoglish Elizabetban sonneteers ©Metaphysical Poets

c) Cavalier Poets

d) John Milton

10. Harmony, balance, clarity and elegance are ąualities empbasized by: a) Metaphysical Poets @Neoclassicists c)Elizabethan Sonneteers d) Puritans


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