I favor no blind schcmc of mero musclc building. Thcrc is no rcason why the asrerage man or woman should learn lo do "circus stunts," but there is vcry good rcason why they should have sound lungs. and a lieart and other vital organs that function correctly.
I havc been twice around the world in tjucst of knowl-edge, havc visitcd most of the larger citios. and havc had ample opportunities of studying the physical condition of all raccs of people at first hand.
1 wish my readers "good healtb" and offer them my aid in sccuring and maintaining it.
Frnm the moiikcj to ihe elefhent, Cef>l. RoJtigttet UaJteJ the emmolt, leermimf I hel melute took <ett of them, hut people fuul to uhe cert of themteieei.