cp 47

cp 47

large artcry which supplies ihe leg with blood, comcs through the abdomen below and to the inside of the inguinal canal. A rupture herc is callcd "inguinal hemia."

Rupture occurs morę frcqucntly in men than in women; about 6 men to one woman suffer from it. But if the ladies insist upon following their brothers in masculine endurance

A H-ytmw-oM boy hnring injmlgrd in tlrentumi offcńr thont hit Jerelopmenlt. Sofie e the bnek nnd mrmt, the mimI p0M for mmtele tirength peopheti. It it thrtr Hen thnt nil thnt eonnlt it the thnping of the bmmp * on the nr mi nnd a eek; nnJ the reoi pnrti. chett. nbdomen, ttomneh nnJ henn mtmnlly for goi ten nnJ negleeted.

tests no one will be able to foresee the results in ailments and deformitics for łbem.

Strenuous athletics. exerciscs or bard labor requiring violent muscular exertion often cause the intestines to break through the abdomen at its weak point.


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