Chondromalacia patella is a softening and degeneration of the under surface of the patella. The exact cjuse is unknown, generałly it is related to patella tracking abnormalities, inereased quadriceps angle, abnorrnal patella alignment, and musełe wcakness, just to name a few. Patients with the possible list of causes sometimes do not develop chondromalacia, some without any known factors develop chondromalacia. The condition is generałiy associated with inflammation surrounding the patella, media! patella retinaculum pain, and inereased symptoms with inereased activity levels.
The Kinesio taping method will assist by red u ci ng pain, inflammation, and if indicated provide proprioceptive stimuli to alter patella tracking.
For additional reference of Kinesio taping technique options see patella tracking syndrome page ?.
Following evaluation the practitioner may deter-mine muscle weakness as a causative factor in the chondromalacia patella. For this example the vastu$ medialis is involved.
For an acute inflamed or overused muscle use the insertion to origin application technique. For a chronić weakness or weakness resulting from sur-
gery use an origin to insertion application technique.
This example is demonstrating the origin to insertion technique.
The primary therapeutic goal of Kinesio taping for Chondromalacia patella is to reduce inflammation as a result of the effusion caused by the hyalinc cartilage degeneration.
A modified space correction technique will be applied. For complete review of space correction techniques.
Begin by applying a Kinesio 1 strip to the tibial tuberosity of the tibia with no tension and the kneein extension. Angle the Kinesio strip so it will be placed with one half of the Kinesio Tex above and below the lateral or medial border of the patella.
With one hand hołd the initial application base to ensure no tension will be added. Apply light to moderate tension, 25-50%, for this technique less is usually better. As the tension is applied to the Kinesio strip, instruct the patient to move their knee into flexion. As the patient moves their knee into flexion, apply the Kinesio strip around the patella to approximately the patella apex.
Lay down the last approximatcly two inchcs of the Kinesio strip down with no tension. Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient movemcnt.
Repeat the above steps on the opposite side of the patella. When the patient moves their knee into extension following the application tcchnique, convolutions should be visible surrounding the patella. If convolutions are not evident, the Kinesio strip was applied with to much tension.
Optional tpfhnigup: I Strip
Once the described technique is applied, the practitioner may determine that patella alignment correction may be beneficial.
The use of the m echa ni cal correction techniąue for patella tracking may be appropriate. Technique application depicted in photo is for lateral tracking using an I strip.
For complete review see patella tracking techniąue.
Other patella alignment abnormalities may be present, this is oniy given as an example of one potential problem.
Optional technigue: Mechanical Correction Tension on Base
Once the described technique is applied; the practitioner may determine that patella alignment correction may be beneficial.
The use of the mechanical correction techniąue for patella tracking may be appropriate. Techniąue application depicted in photo is for lateral tracking using tension on the base.
For complete review see patella tracking techniąue.