

Patella Tendonitis: Superior and Inferior Pole

Patella tendonitis at either the superior pole or inferior pole (jumpers knee) deyelops from an ovcni$e of the <juadriceps musdegmup. The patella acts like a mechanical Iever to magnify the forces created by the quadrkcps muocle. From repelitive activity an inflammałion may dcvelop.

Then? will be thrcc examples of methods of taping for patella tendonitis. Examples presented will be for regions of the superior pole, and inferior pole. Each of the techniques have been used successfully on diffeient palienls. The practitioner will need to evaluałe the patient and determine which techruque may be best. Ifonc technigue is not showing the desired results, then change to another application technigue.

Patella Tendonitis Superior Y Techniqq<» This is a modification of the quadriceps musde taping. The tape is applied from the origin to the insertion. The split of the Y application begins at the superior pole of the patella instead of the junctionof the vastus lateralis and medialis.

Begin the Kinesio Y strip approximately mid-thigh over the vastus medialis muscle. The knee is placed in a flexed position. Apply light, 15-25% of avaiiab!e or paper off tension is applied until the Y in the Kinesio strip reaches the superior pole of the patella.

Initiate glue activation prior to having the patient initiate movement.

Have the patient flex their knee to maximum flexion. Apply the tails of the Kinesio Y strip around the medial and lateral borders of the patella.

The tails should be applied with light, 15-25% of available, or paper off tension. The tip of the tai! should end with no tension on the tibial tuberosity.

Initiate glue activation prior to having the patient initiate movement.

Patella Tendonitis Inferior Y Technigue This technique is applied starting from just below the tibial tuberosity with no tension at the beginning. Slight tension (5-10%) is applied to the tape to the inferior pole of the patella.

Have the patient flex their knee to maximum flexion. Apply the tails of the Kinesio Y strip around the medial and lateral borders of the patella.

The medial taił should cnd near or on the vastus medialis muscle. The lateral taił should end or near the vastus lateralis muscle. The tails should be applied with light, 15-25% of available, or paper off tension.

A modification can be used to again split the taił and apply a muscle application to either the vastus medialis or lateralis muscle.

Combination of Patella Tendonitis Superior and Inferior Y Technigue

For acute or inflamed patella tendonitis the practitioner may find better results from combining the two techniques described. Possibly for the firsfc few days or week, a combination may be appropri-ate. As pain diminishes, application of the superior or inferior may be sufficient for pain relief.



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