Patella Tendonitis Combination Taping/Bracing The practitioner may desire to use a combination of thc Kinesio technique for patella tendonitis and commerrially availablc straps or braces. Some patients may desire additional assisfance in the acute inflammatioń phasc or feel a decrease in pain from the extemal pressure providcd by bracing.
The use of the extemal strapping or bracing may assist the patient during practice or competition. It js recommendcd that the patient wear the Kinesio techniąue under any other treatment protocol and when
The practitioner should select one of the Kinesio patella tendonitis taping techniques as described.
Application of a cho-pat type strap over the inferior pole of the patella and directly over the patella ligament. The use of this strap is believed to act as a shock absorber and limit the stress placed upon the patella ligament.
This techniąue may be simulated by using either Kinesio Tex or an Elastoplast/Elastikon 1" tape.
Take a piece of the tape, measure around the knee and double the length: add an extra 1 to 11/2 inch. Double the tape over itself, leaving only the extra 1 to 11/2 inch exposed. Wrap this strip around the knee just below the patella to simulate the above strap.
Application of a neoprene knee sleeve over the Kinesio techniąue for patella tendonitis. The use of the neoprene sleeve is believed to inerease temperaturę in the region, and decreased pain by pressure applied to the region.
The length of time the Kinesio techniąue may remain in place is directly related to the care the patient uses in putting on and taking off the neoprene sleeve.
A subluxating patella is an injury which can occur from deceleration with rotation or a dircct blow to the bordcr. An acutc dislocation generally results from a dircct blow causing the patella to usually locatcd on the lateral condyle of the femur. Once the patella has dislocated it is common to have reoc-curring partial dislocations (subluxation). Over time the media 1 restraints become weak and the lateral jestraints become tight.
The Kinesio taping technique assists to rcduce recurring subluxations by reducing pain, inflamma-tion, propriocepti ve stimuli to limit lateral patella movement, and unwinding of the lateral mechanism to reduce excess tension.
The goal of the Kinesio technique is to limit lateral patella movement and reduce lateral restraints tension.
Begin by applying a mechanical correction techniąue to the lateral border of the patella. For review see mechanical correction.
Apply the base of the Kinesio I strip superior to the joint linę with no tension while the knee is in exten-sion. The Kinesio strip should be angled towards the lateral border of the patella.
With one hand hołd the applied base to ensure no tension is added.
Apply moderate tension, 25-50 % of available tension, with downward pressure onto the lateral border of the patella. The Kinesio strip should be placed with center of strip on the patella border. As the practitioner begins to apply the Kinesio strip have the patient move the knee into flexion. The practitioner may want to apply the Kinesio strip while the patient is weight bearing to simulate functional movement.
With the patient in fuli knee flexion apply the end of the Kinesio Strip with no tension.
Prior to any further patient movement initiate glue.