

Patella Tendonitis -1 Strip Technique

This technique for treating patella tendonitis uses an 1 strip placed from the tibial tuberosity over th patella. It i$ important that during application that little or no tension is applied to the patella in a ° downwaid pressure tocreate inercased patella femoral groove compression.

Gin be used for interior pole tendonitis (jumpers knee), or tendonitis on tibial tuberosity. It may aj^ be effcctive for Osgood-Schlatter syndrome or larsen-Johannson syndrome.

Begin by placing the base of the I Kinesio strip interior to the tibial tuberosity with no tension on|| tape. With one hand hołd the base of the tape to ensure no tension will be created. Place the desiied amount of tension in the Kinesio strip for a liga-ment/tendon correction, moderate to severe, 50-75% of available tension from just superior to the tibial tuberosity to the interior pole of the patella.

Slide the hand which was holding the base at the tibial tuberosity to the interior pole of the patella. Instruct the patient to flex their knee. Apply very lighł, 10-15% of available tension to the Kinesio strip over the patella and to within 2 inches of the end of the strip. Lay down the end of the Kinesio strip down with no tension. Be surę to initiate adhesion prior to allowing the patient to extend their knee.

When the patient extends their knee the tape should create visible skin convolutions. It there are a limited number of convolutions it would be an indicator of to much tension being applied to the tape.

Patella Tendonitis - U Strip Technique

j|ective for Osgood-Schlatter syndrome or Larsen-Johannson syndrome.

hniqJ for trealing patella tendonitis uses a U shape application of the Kinesio strip under and SR *® Tl'e lunclion °1the u strip is to apply a downward pressure on the inferior pole of tocreate a "tilting" effect. This "tilting" effect is thought to decrease pressure on the inferior |p^e pjteila and reduce inflammation and pain. The practitioner should exerci.se judgement as to k* unt oi downward pressure starting with less pressure with initial applications. eatn used for inferior pole tendonitis (jumpers knee), or tendonitis on tibial tuberosity. It may also

Begin by tearing the Kinesio strip in the middle of the tape length. Place the middle of the tape strip with l/3rd to 1/2 of the Kinesio width over the inferior pole of the patella. A mechanical correction technique (tension and downward pressure) is applied using moderate, 25-50% of available tension. Pushing the patella in a downward and inferior motion, in an attempt to "tilt" the patella.

For review see mechanical correction technique.

Instruct the patient to move their knee into flexion. As the patient moves their knee into flexion apply the Kinesio strip around the patella with little, 15-25% of available tension. The medial strip should be placed in the direction of the vastus medialis. The lateral strip placed in the direction of the vastus lateralis.

The tails on the lateral aspect of the knee show a modification allowing for the vastus lateralis to be taped from insertion to origin.

No tension should be placed upon either end. While the knee is in the flexed position be sure to initiate adhesion prior to allowing the patient to extend their knee.


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