

Completed example of possible Kinesio Taping Technique for shoulder instability - .interior.

ShoulderInstability - M»ltiaxial Application of functional correction technique for muitiaxial instability. This concept may also be used for anterior instability. For review see functional i correction technique.

Begin by placing the base of the Kinesio I strip j approximately 3-4 inchessuperior to theacromio- J clavicular joint, with no tension.

The described technique can be modified by the 1 practitioner for instability in morę than one piane, 'j

Have the patient move into shoulder abduction to 90 degrees. Apply the dista 1 base of the Kinesio I I strip 3-4 inches below the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus, prior to base application the practitioner will need to add tension to the Kinesio I strip. The degree of tension is determined by the amount of perceived I im i ta t i on in rangę of motion desired. For inititai application 20-25 % tension may be appropri* I ate.

Place one hand on each of the base loca tions of the Kinesio I strip. Have the patient move into shoulder adduction. When the patient is in anatomicai position, move the two hand together and initiate glue activation prior to any further movement.

Bursitis of the Shoulder

\ding soft tissues.

Lusitis of the shoulder most commonly occurs to the subacromial bursa, or subdeltoid bursae as it is named. Inflammation of the bursae may result from chronię overuse, shoulder impingement, falling he point of the shoulder, or direct trauma. Once the bursae becomes inflamed it compresses sur-

he Kinesio Taping Method assists in reducing edema, and pain. The practitioner may determine that Lwing their evaluation of the bursitis, basie Kinesio Taping Applications of possible affected muscles ]r also be indicated. Suggested muscles are: supraspinatus, deltoid and biceps brachii.


During the first 24 to 72 hours of an acute trauma to a subacromial bursa the prima ry goal is to limit inflammation.

Strip one, begin by placing the base of the Kinesio fan strip near the anterior interior angle of the anterior deltoid, direct the tails of the fan over the AC

joint and towards the lower trapizius insertion.

Strip two, begin by placing the base of the Kinesio

fan strip near the posterior inferior angle of the posterior deltoid, direct the tails of the fan over the AC joint towards the davicle region.

The two strips should form a crisscross pattem.

Post-Acute Phase - Past 72 hours

Application of a modified patella tendonitis I strip

technique. For complete review see patella tendonitis I strip technique

This strip is to act as a space correction technique to create space between the skin and bursae to allow for edema reduction. For complete review see space correction technique.

The Kinesio I strip is started over the deltoid

tuberosity with no tension. One hand holds the base

to ensure no tension is added to the Kinesio strip.

Have the patient move into adduction behind the

remain. Lay down the base with no tension.

back, light tension, 15-25 % of available, is applied to the Kinesio I strip until approximately 2 inches

Activate glue prior to any additional movement by the patient.

Convolutions may not be evident when patient is in anatomical position. The convolutions will appea during shoulder movement.



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