Metatarsal Arch Combination Techniąue
LowDye Technique
Completed application of the Kinesio metatarsal arch techniąue. For complete rcview see metatarsal arch techniąue.
To begin you may place an optional pieces of mole skin cut to match the head of the lst and 5th metatarsal heads, with a strip also on the heel region.
These strips are to provide skin protection from muitiple tape applications.
Therc are two options for combination taping with fhe Kinesio Techniąue. One, combining the Kinesio metatarsal arch technique with a LowDye arch techniąue. Second, combining the Kinesio arch techniąue with <1 traditional metatarsal arch taping.
The LowDye arch support can be use for the medial, lateral and metatarsal arches locafed in the plantar surface of the foot. If the practilioner finds this techniąue successful, they want to investigate the appropriate use of an orthotic to assist in the long term care of the patient.
Place a one inch strip of non-elastic athlctic tape on the distal head of the 5th metatarsal. If this technique is to be used for an extended perior of time, smali pieces of moleskin can be placed on the distal heads of the first and 5th metatarsal. Bring the strip of tape around the heel. Place the thumb of one hand between the second and third heads of the metatarsal on the plantar surface. Push the thumb up and flatten out the metatarsal arch.Reach around to the dorsal surface with the index and middle finger to the metacarpal phalangeal joint. Apply a downward pressure to the first metatarsal, placing it ina pronated position.
Place the frce end of the athletic tape onto the distal head of the lst mctacarpal. This process may be rcpcated dcpending upon the size of the paticnt. For smaller paticnts one strip is generally enough, for larger patients two strips may be needed.
Begin on the plantar surface of the lst metatarsal head, angle the strip around the heep and retul to the lst metatarsal head. Repeat this process untill a strip is applied to each metatarsal head, or the metatarsal heads are covered with tape.
One inch nonelastic tape is used. For a smaller patient only 4 strips may be rcąuired, for a larger patient 5 strips may be needed.
Finish the LowDye by wrapping the arch with a thin elastic tape (lightplast, sheerlight) to secure the completed tape job. You may select to use a white athletic tape for this anchoring.
Completed combination of Kinesio metatarsal arch and LowDye technique.