yj Glossary 367


opposition A complex motion of the thumb in which the thumb abducts and rotates (pronates) at the basilar joint, so that the volar surface of the tip of the thumb touches that of the tip of the littlc fingcr.

out-facing patcllae A variation in rotational alignment of the lowcr limbs in which the patellae angle away from each other when the patient stands with the feet pointing straight for-ward.

out-tocing, slew-footed deformity The condition in which a patients feet angle away from each other when he or she is standing or walking.

painful arc syndrome, sign Subjective or objective evidence of pain experienced by a patient during active abduction of the shouldcr, usually in an arc including the 90° abducted posi-tion and typically caused by rotator cuff disease. palmar abduction A movement in which the thumb moves away from the rest of the hand in a piane perpendicular to the piane of the palm.

palmar adduction A movement in which the thumb moves toward the rest of the hand in a piane perpendicular to the piane of the palm.

palmar flexion An alternative term for flexion of the wrist. passive extension test of the knce, bounce home test A provoca-tive test to induce the pain associated with a displaced bucket handle tear of a meniscus by passively extending the knee past the point of comfort.

passive rangę of motion (PROM) The arc through which a joint can be moved by another individual or the muscles from another part of the patient’s body. patella alta A high riding patella. caused by a relatively long patellar tendon.

patella baja, patella infra A Iow riding patella, caused by a rela-tively short patellar tendon.

patellar apprehension test, Fairbanks’ apprehension test A

provocative test designed to simulate an episode of patellar subluxation or dislocation by passively pushing the patella lateraUy as the knee is passively flexed. patellar glide test A manipulative test to demonstrate passive patellar mobility by passively pushing the patella medially and laterally in the relaxed patient. patellar grind test (active, passive) Methods of demonstrating patellar crepitus using active quadriceps contraction or pas-sive direct pressure on the patella as the knee is taken through a rangę of motion.

patellar tracking The path followed by the patella during active knee extension.

Patricks test, FABER test A provocative test for sacroiliac joint pain in which the sacroiliac joint is stressed by forcefully externally rotating the hip in the figure-four position. pectus earinatum A thoracic deformity in which the sternum is abnormally convex.

pectus excavatum A thoracic deformity in which the sternum is abnormally concave.

pelvic extension Rotation of the pelvis around a transverse axis that causes the superior pelvis to rotate anteriorly and the inferior pelvis to rotate posteriorly. pelvic flexion Rotation of the pelvis around a transverse axis in which the superior pelvis rotates posteriorly while the inferior pelvis rotates anteriorly.

pelvic obliquity The situation in which the two sides of the patients pelvis are not level with each other when the patient is standing.

pelvic rotation Rotation of the pelvi$ in the coronal or trans-verse planes during gait.

peroneal tendon instability test An active provocative test to induce and detect peroneal tendon instability by asking the patient to actively rotate the foot and ankle using a circular motion.

pes cavus A foot deformity characterizcd by an abnormally high longitudinal arch.

pes planus A foot deformity characterizcd by an abnormally Iow or absent longitudinal arch.

Phalen’s test A provocative test for carpal tunnel syndrome in which the wrist is held in a flexed position for a minutę in an attempt to elicit the patients symptoms.

Phelps’ test A clinical test for contractures of the gracilis muscle that compares the magnitude of passive hip abduction possi-ble in different positions of knee flexion. piano key test A manipulative test to detect abnormal laxity of the distal radioulnar joint of the wrist. pigeon-toed deformity (see in-toeing)

piriformis test A manipulative test for contracture of the piri-formis muscle or sciatic nerve irritation owing to compres-sion by the piriformis.

pivot shift test A manipulative and provocative test for demonstrating the rotatory subluxation that is often associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury. pivot shift test of the elbow (see posterolatcral rotatory instability test)

posterolatcral rotatory instability test, pivot shift test of the elbow A provocative test designed to induce an episode of posterolateral rotatory subluxation of the elbow, usually manifested by the creation of apprehension in the conscious patient.

plantar flexion An alternative term for flexion of the ankle, the toes, and the other joints of the foot toward the plantar surface.

plantar reflex The response of the toes, either dorsiflexion or plantar flexion, to stroking the sole of the foot firmly. Popeye’s deformity The bunching together of the biceps brachii muscle seen after rupture of the long head of the biceps tendon.

posterior drawer test of the knee A manipulative test for detect-ing abnormal posterior laxity in the knee by pushing posteriorly on the tibia with the knee flexed 90°; primarily a test of posterior cruciate ligament integrity. posterolateral drawer sign A method of demonstrating inereased posterolateral laxity of the knee by performing the posterior drawer test with the patients foot externally rotated. pronation Rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces down-ward; by extension, analogous rotation in other parts of the body.

pubie symphysis stress test A provocative test for detecting instability or pain associated with the pubie symphysis per-formed by attempting to create a shearing motion at the symphysis with direct manipulation. pump bump (see Haglund s deformity)

Q angle, quadriceps angle The angle formed between a linę from the anterior superior iliac spine to the center of the patella and a linę from the center of the patella to the center of the tibial tubercle when the patient is standing with the feet in a neutral position.

quadriceps active drawer test A method of demonstrating posterior sub!uxation of the knee by eliciting a contraction of the


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