366 __Glossary _
iliopsoas sign Pain in thc iliopsoas sheath produced by force-fully externally rotating the hip in thc figure-four position. in-facing patellae (see $quinting patellae) internal rotation Axial rotation that tends to rotate the distal limb toward thc midline when the patient is viewed from the anterior position.
in-toeing, pigeon-tocd deformity The condition in which a patients feet angle toward each other when he or she is stand -ing or walking.
inversion stress test, varus stress test of the ankle A manipula-tive test to detect abnormal varus laxity in the ankle joint; pri-marily a test of calcaneofibular ligament function. ipsilateral On the same side of the body.
jerk test of the knee A variation of the pivot shift test that begins with the knee in flexion instcad of in extension. jerk test of the shoulder A provocative test for posterior shoul der instability in which the shoulder is flexed 90° and the arm is then pushed posteriorly.
Jobe’s test, supraspinatus isolation test A resistivc test for the shoulder, designed to isolate supraspinatus function as much as possible, performed with the shoulder in a position of 90" abduction and maximal internal rotation in a piane 30° anterior to the coronal piane.
kyphosis A spinał curve in the sagittal piane that is convex posteriorly; the normal contour of the thoracic spine.
Lachmans test A manipulative test for detecting abnormal anterior laxity in the knee performed in a position of mild flex-ion; primarily a test of anterior cruciate ligament integrity. Lasegue’s test A progression of the straight-leg raising test in which the patients ankle is passively dorsiłlexed to increase tension on the lower lumbar nerve roots. lateral bending Spinał movement consisting of bending to the side in the coronal piane.
lateral pclvic compression test A manipulative screening test for pathology of the major joints of the pelvic ring performed by pressing downward on one iliac crest while the patient is lying on the opposite side.
lateral rotation Spinał motion consisting of rotation to one side or the other in the transverse piane, lateral scapular slide A soft tissue contracture, typically seen in athletes who throw, that draws the scapula of the dominant shoulder away from the midline. leg length discrepancy (functional or apparent) The situation in which the actual length of the patient's two lower limbs is identical, but other factors such as joint or muscle contrac-tures cause one of the limbs to function or appear as if it were shorter or longer than the other. leg length discrepancy (true) The situation in which an actual difference exists between the length of a patients two lower limbs, as measured from the hip joint to the plantar surfaces of the feet.
Lhermitte^ maneuver A provocative test performed by asking the seated patient to maximally flex the cervical and thoracic spine.
Lhermitte^ sign The production of distal paresthesias in multi-ple extremities or the trunk in response to Lhermitte’s maneuver, thought to be indicative of spinał stenosis and resulting spinał cord compression.
Lisfrancłs joint An alternative term that refers collectively to the tarsometatarsal joints of the foot. list A functional spinał deformity consisting of a pure planar shift to one side in the coronal piane.
load-and-shift test A rnethod of assessing thc passive anterior and posterior laxity of the shoulder, similar to the drawer test of the shoulder; the examiner may apply an axial load to the humerus to increase the sense of subluxation as the humerał head is shifted.
long finger extension test A provocative test for radial tunnel syndrome in which the patient is asked to extend the long finger against resistance in an attempt to rcproducc the patients symptoms.
long finger proximal interphalangcal joint flexion test A
provocative test for median nerve compression by the flexor digitorum superficialis in which the patient is asked to flex the proximal interphalangeal joint of the long finger against resistance in an attempt to reproduce the patients symptoms.
lordosis A spinał curvc in the sagittal piane that is concave posteriorly; the normal contour of the cervical and the lumbar spines.
Losse’s test A variation of the pivot shift test that uses direct pressure behind the head of the fibula to produce a subluxa-tion of thc knee.
lunotriquetral ballottement test A manipulative test that attempts to detect abnormal laxity between the lunate and the triquetrum.
mallet finger Inability to actively extend the distal interphalangeal joint of the finger, usually owing to rupture or avul-sion of the extensor digitorum communis insertion.
mallet toe A toe deformity consisting of an isolated abnormal flcxion deformity of thc distal interphalangeal joint of the involved toe.
McMurray’s test A provocative test to elicit pain and clicking associated with a torn meniscus by passively manipulating a hyperflexed knee.
metatarsus primus varus A forefoot deformity in which the first mctatarsal deviatcs mcdially; usually associated with hallux valgus.
midcarpal instability test A manipulative and provocative test in which the examiner attempts to induce a subluxation at the midcarpal joint of the wrist.
milking maneuver A test designed to induce pain from an injured ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow by applying valgus stress.
Morton’s test A manipulative and provocative test for thc detec-tion of interdigital neuromas performed by compressing the metatarsal heads and observing for a palpable click or repro-duction of the patients pain.
Mulder’s click A sign of interdigital neuroma in which a palpable click is produced by compressing the neuroma between the adjaccnt metatarsal heads.
Nccr’s impingement sign The production of pain by maximal passive forward flexion of the shoulder, considered a sign of rotator euff impingement.
Necr’s impingement test A followup to Ncers impingement sign, in which anesthetic is injected in the subacromial space to see if the pain of the impingement sign is eliminated.
nonradicular sensory loss A sensory deficit in a distribution overlapping morę than one dermatomc.
Ober’s test A manipulative test to detect contracture of the ili-otibial tract.
0’Brien’s test A provocative test that may elicit pain associated with an injured acromioclavicular joint or a torn glenoid labrum.