Neck Sprain or Whiplash
The Kinesio taping technique wili assist with reduction in edema, muscle spasm and with the applj. cation of a ligament correction limit painful neck movement.
A sprain the neck generally occurs as the result of a quick snapping of the head in forward flexioa | may be associated wilh a strained neck, sińce the same motion may cause an over stretching to the cervica) paraspinal muscles.
Acute: First 24 - 72 Hours Initial treatment for inflammation or edema is provided by applying two Kinesio lymphatic correc tion techniąues. For review see lymphatic correctior technique.
Begin by placing the base of the Kinesio fan strip at approximate!y the superior angle of the media] border of the scapula with the patient in a neutral spine position. Have the patient move into forward flexion with rota tion to the opposite side. The tails t the fan strip should be angled upward at 45 degreej over the injured cervical segment.
flexion with rotation to the opposite side. The tailsc the fan strip should be angled upward at 45 degree over the injured cervical segment.
The second Kinesio fan strip is placed at approxi mately the superior angle of the medial border of łł scapula opposite first Kinesio fan strip, in neutra] spine position. Have the patient move into forwarc
The two lymphatic correction strips should form crisscross pattem over the injured cervical segment
Post Actute: After 72 hours
Begin with the patient in a neutral neck position Apply the base of the Kinesio Y strip with the cut o the Y at approximately the T1 or T 2 spinous proce with no tension.
Next have the patient move into neck flexion. Prior to applying each taił have the patient move in rotation to the opposite side. Apply the tails towan the occiput of the skuli on each respective side. Tension should be 0-15 % of available tension, less tension is tolerable in the neck region as a result of the increased sensitivity of the region.
Lay the tips of the tails down with no tension.
Application of a ligamcnt correction technique.
For review sec ligamcnt correction techniquc.
Begin by tcaring the middle of an approximately 4-6 inch Kinesio I strip through the papcr backing. Apply 25-40% tension to the Kinesio strip. Place the Kinesio strip with the center of the 2 inch wide Kinesio Tex over the region of the ligament requiring correction.
Downward tension may also be addcd as if applying a mcchanical correction technique.
Have the patient move into neck flexion, lay down the two bases of the Kinesio strip down with no tension. Initiate glue activation prior to any further movement.
Altemative method for patients in need of morę support. Apply an 1 strip along each upper trapezius from insertion to origin. Apply an I strip along the cervical erector spinae muscles from inferior to superior. Apply a 3" Kinesio ligament correction strip directly over the area of pain.