

Shin Splint or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome The treatment for shin splints is as voried as the cause of the condition, which is not always known. Many practitioncrs havc started to refer to shin splints as medial tibial stress syndrome. The generał cause of pain is an exoessive rcpetitive trauma in the lowęr leg located on the distal 1 /3rd of the media] tibial border. Associated with rcpetitive stress may be poor archcs, muscle weakness, surface changes and impropcr foot wear to name a few.

When sclecting a Kinesio technique for treatment the practitioner must first evaluate the cause of the pain and adapt a treatment protocol to treat the symptoms. The treatment protocol may indude taping, for muscleś, arch, (ind space correction.

One possible treatement protocol will be described. Basic Kinesio Taping Method application for the tibialis anterior, and two methods of space correction on the medial border of the tibial.

Application of Basic Kinesio Taping Method for tibialis anterior. The tibialis anterior is generally associated with shin splints or medial tibial stress syndrome due to its function of plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle and foot.

If the medial iongitudinal arch is not próyiding appropriate support to assist in dissipation of forces resuiting from landing or take off, the anterior tibialis may become inflamed to compensate.

Option One; Space Correction - tissue away Application of space correction on medial border of the tibia. This method pulls skin away from the medial border of the tibia. Begin by placing the Kinesio Y strip just medial to the area of pain. Hołd the base of the Kinesio strip to reduce unwanted tension on the skin. Apply light, 15-25 % of available tension and puli the skin away from the medial tibial border, laying down the Kinesio strip as it continues to move morę medially.

When tension is applied to the point where the Kinesio strip Y's, slide the hand holding the base to the initiation of the Y cut. Have the patient dorsiflex their ankle, and apply the tails of the Y with no tension in a splaying out pattem.

lm.Space Correction - tissue towards Application of space correction on medial border of the tibia. This method pulls skin toward the medial border of the tibia. The practitioner may select to use the space correction technique which applies tension via the tails or via the base. For complete review see space correction tcchnique.

Application of space correction using the tails to create space. Begin by placing the base of the Kinesio strip with the base of the Y cut medially to the location of pain. Apply light, 15-25 % of available tension to the tails as you surround the area of pain. Lay the last one inch of Kinesio tape down with no tension.

Application of space correction using the base to create space. Begin by applying the base of the Y strip with no tension on the initial approximately two inches. Use a fascia gathering technique to create space directly over the area of the patients pain. Lay down the tails with no tension in a splaying pattem to limit tension on the skin.


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