

y with meditii muscle activation ant0 . T° , r p to the vastus medialis. apP«V. Kines'0 r, mav select to either nu H I

nfprSon* may select to either Use an ! H aTJip,(ro™ origui to mseri.on. Th,sis iłUenS>or

v strip, <tom or,g    7 ‘ 1 n,s >s intenn p

11 flimited JateraJ movement of pateUa bv r*** p5i on the extensor muscle gmup of the quad^

OrtioPTłVffi    i

At the pateJla place a mechanical correcti ension on base strip from the inferior latera


tension on oase smp r««n uw inferior jfg§§||£ For review see mechanical correction tension A

»A«*hninil6<    ^

technique.    .    "MOase

Regin tape with no tension near the proxi«, , of fibula, with one hand hołd the initial appSH

__..-..en nn łpn^inn will ho aAA^^i *

or iiuu .c,......—    .    ------ aPplicah- ^

base to ensure no tension will be added. °c

Apply appropriate tension to create dęsired proprioceptive stimuli. A moderate, 25-50% 0availabJe tension with downward pressure on H

lałom 1 hnrrlpr nf ihp nafollo ..... . . .

inferior lateral border of the patella would be §1

priate. As the tension is applied to the Kinesio^


move the hand which has been holding the 11111 base tension up the Kinesio strip.    “utiąl

It is felt that if the tension is applied to the k-the tension is applied it will reduce or minimj? i recoil effect of tlie tape. By laying it down see* ^ taiły it keeps the tension on the skin in earh en' as it is laid down.    fioient

Tension is applied to approximately the inf„ • pole of the pateUa.    r,0r

While holding the tension on the lateral boid * the patella, have the patient move their knee ‘ pff flexion. Lay down the superior taił along the rior border of the patella with no tension. La the inferior taił along the inferior border of th111 patella with no tension.

Prior to any further patient movement activate Kinesio strip glue by rubbing the tape appljcationW

When the hand which was holding the base has been moved to the start of the Y cut, have the patient move their knee into flexion. Lay down the two tails in a splayed pattem to dissipate the force over as large an area as possible.

Prior to any further patient movement initiate adhesive of tape.

Continua^on jyf pption two.

Apply afasda correction techńiaue, usine the dashc qualities of the tape, from approximately the museulotendonous junction of the vastus lateralis to the superior aspect of the vastus medialis.

For revicw of the fascia correction tcchniquc.

Place the base of the Kinesio V strip lateral to museulotendonous junction of the vastus latcralis with no tension, with one hand hołd the initial application base to ensure no tension will be added.

Apply light to moderate , 15-50% of available tension, to the Kinesio strip while "oscillating" the tape. As the tape is "oscillated" slide the hand from the base along the Kinesio strip to adherc Kinesio Tex to the skin. Slight downward pressure may be added, only to assist in the initiation of the adhesive.

Completed subluxating patella Kinesio taping techniąue application.



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