20214 s&h 083

20214 s&h 083



ditions infiuitely morę unfarorable tliau tliose with wliieh lie started.

lu tliat case tbe remody is worso than tbe cure.

In tbe tlrst place, reuicmlKT tliat fresli air is an alisolutc nccessity, and bv fresli air I uican at tbe very least bcfore an opon win-dow—no nialtcr what tlie weather eondi-tious may be. A sedentary life mcans poor respiration because of tbe coutractiou of tlie chust and lungs. Woale assimilation natnr-ally follows, and tbe sewer pipcs of tbe haman system refuse to perform tbeir differ-eut otlices. Tbat meaus tliat tbe refuse is not renimed.

Tliose two tliiugs alone are responsiblc for morę disease than tbe arerage man woubl be inclined to belieye, but it is so siinple a matter to corm-t tbeni tbat it is a wonder to me tbat tliey exist at all among an intelJigent and ciyilized people.

F.et us assume tbat your respiration is bad —as it probably is. In another part of tbis


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