cp 08
Arnold H. Kegel. M. D.
CommiMionrr of Health. Chicago. III.
OOD POSTURĘ u nccmary lo good Health .ind beauty, and pbysical and mental devclopment. Therc is a lack of appreciation of this fact in the education and dcvclopment of American children. The nation would profil greatly if. as in ancien! Greecc. an ideał in the form of statues of perfect physical develop-ment could be kept be-fore our youth at all times.
What Is Good Posturę?
In good posturę the head is carricd erect. not baekward or forward; the shouldcrs are square. not round; the chcst is up and out. not fiat. the abdomen is drawn in and does not protrude: the back curvc is slight, not exaggerated. and the legs are straight.
Captain Godfrey Rodrigues, wlio has been demonstrat-ing his method of correct posturę in many cities of the United States, draws our attention to a very simple. yet an easy method of deeeloping good postural liabit. This consists specifically in consciously drawing in the upper abdomen at
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