HE timc U not far distant when palieou will expect their physt* cian to symboli** the gospel thev proch. It would scrm this is not rxpecting too much Whv iflcr all should a physician wbo is 25 to 100 pounds overweight cxpcct to treat a pat tent for obesity? Why should a physician w ho takrs no Yacatiotu. dnnks too much. smokes too much and cats too much expcct his patients to abide by dicta proscribing thesc same vicct.
A physician does not ficcetttrily have to bc a pcrtect phytical spcci-
men. an Adonis: but hc
should represent che bott pos-sible gradc ot Health hts b»xly will afford. Most physician* know ot the possiblc injury to healih due to taulty posturo but many ignorc it* principles so tar as thrir own bodies aro conccrnrd.
Captain Rodngue* hai mado a spec ul study ot correct posturo from the stand* point ot comparison ot spe-cies. A stgnificant fatt shown by him ts that faulty posturę is unknown a m o n g the healtby lowcr animals. Yet fcw physician* will mamtest much pcrsonal iniercst in fhis tor many still adhere to (he old adage "Oonl do at / do. but do as / uiu.” Tbcrc are many rrasons why cvcry* body should he interested in correct posturę. One is the inereased leeling ot aggrrssivcne*s expcn* cneed when the principles arc properly observed. Thcrc is alto the csthriic effect produccd by drawing in thr abdomen. Capt. Rodnguey teaching Onc's clothe* fil and look better, and in a bathing suit the cffect would be a decidod relict to the eyc. which bnngs me to the best plan of procedurę in determining whether or not one s posturę is correct. When you strip for the bath. look in the mirror.—it you