all limes whether standing. walking or sitting. By tbe upper abdomen is mcant thal porłion immediately below tbe ribs and the "sternum" or breast bonę.
In studying ihc statues of the athletes of ancient Greece Capiain Rodrigues found they cxcmplifled his theory of posturę. By practicing his melhod it can be rcadily secn that the chcst is forward. the shoutders squared and the proper curva-ture of the spine attained. Thus the chesr and the abdomen arc given morę spaee in which to carry on their functions.
Everyone who will try Capt. Rodrigues’ simple method for a fcw days will at once be cognizant of the fact that brcathing is deeper and seemingly morę satisfactory. Start each day with a walk of a few blocks during which the upper abdomen is drawn in and the proper posturę maintained. This practice will soon dcvelop into a natura), easy habit and its good effects will. in a short time, manifest thcmselves.
Results of Simple. Postural Training
The result of a conscicntious effort to hołd up and in the upper abdomen. as discovered by Capt. Rodrigues. was tested by a number of persons with the following results:
An ability to hołd the position in the coursc of time with-out obvious rffort.
A gradual enlargement of the chest and an inerease in chest espansion.
Apparently, an improvement in digestion.
An improvemcnt in natura! bowet elimination.
Greatcr easc in standing, sitting and walking. and apparently hetter circulation.
An improved resistanee to infertion, particularly to colds.
And a great improvcment in appearance.