cp 66

cp 66


' must also bc rccognizcd by my rcaders th.it sickness amongst physiciarts is just as prevalent as among laymcn—a surę sign that somcthing is wrong somc-where. Howevcr, it is all misundcrstanding. and misundcr-standing is thc world's worst diseasc with which man has to contend. The mcdical student studics the eflfect of medicine on disease. and as such his skill can bc well rccommcnded. I. myself. would turn to my friend. the doctor, first and abovc all should any of my lovcd ones bc laid ill. There is no doubt of the good resulting from the medical man's knowledge and his ycars of study. but—

Thcre is an end to thc doctor‘s learning. and as far as hcalth is conccrncd—THERE IS NOT EVEN A BEGIN-NING. Hcnce, doctors. lawyers. business men and bankers die from the same ailments at thc same average age.

Most Medical Men Agrcc

I am happy to State. THAT MOST PHYSICIANS APPROVE MY POSTURĘ DISCOVERY. Thcy all im-mediately start practicing it thcmsclvcs. and it is their enthusi-asm and praisc which induced me to writc this booklet.

Howcvcr. there always arc the others—those who know by their own physica! defects that no matter what thcy do. or how thcy try. no improvement could bc obtaincd—or. rather, not having enough energy and will power left. ił would be almost impossibtc for them to practice this simple method of posturę as written in thesc pages. Thcy ant usually in Classes A and E—enough said.


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