73232 s&h 009

73232 s&h 009


A book of tlii« cliaracter is just as iinport-ant to the youug man as the grammar or the geography; to tlie man in ruiddie lifc it is of morę valne tliań auy otlier modern pub-lieation; to the thmkorańd brain-worker it is like a ropę thrown to a drowning man, for of what use aro brains without pbysieal rcsourees?

Ii is tbe eombination of bo(b brains and body tbat niakos a man successful lo-day; one is iucomplote witbout tbe otlier.

The Tmgo gorilla of the African forests, wlio wields a troe truuk as a boy won id handle .a whip. falls an oasy vietim to tlie one-lmndred-and-t wenty-five-pound hunter who traps him with cuuning or amlnishes liim by means of superior intelligonce.

Tbe buman witli tbe brain of a Webster niiglit just as well bart* a oocoanut for a bt*ad if be liad not tbe \itality to support thal brain or the lilood to fced and nour-isli it.

Tbe tbeory of life is to ei piali ze all tbings.


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