gencies of life, antl iu ihis work I propose to tell Lim how to do it i u the skórtest pos-sible tirne.
By that I do not mean tkat there is a sliort ent to cer Lun kealtli, for one caunot press a Tratton and produee an athlete, but I ani a great boliecer in system, and tliat is just as great an asset in the work of derelop-ing muscles as it is iu business.
There are many men wlio find it impossi-ble to go through any kind of exercisc alone; they want companionship; some one to talk witli them and work willi them. But muscle-lmilding need uot l*e taken at all seri-ously. Hard and fast rules for set exercises are not necessary.
The man who is swiiumiug is developing bimself just as much as though he were in a gymnasium.
The niere aet of taking a bat and attempt-iug to hit a baseball is pvoductive of a great deal of good. Kunning, jumping and climb-ing cali upon muscles and deyelop energy,