37341 s&h 046

37341 s&h 046



Ir. Imt tlio ability łn digest it as well. ITe can drink liis pint of ale or porter witli a zest flint is enrinhle. Hut let tlie olerk or tlit* brain worker eat tlu* same meal, or one-lialf tlie same meal, and drink tlie ale or porter, and his work for tlie dar is doue. Tlis men tali ty will be dnlled and elonded, for his stornach will insist upon working at tlie expense of his brain.

The stornach and brain will not and cau-not work together. One mnst imariably sufler at tlie other's espense.

So yon see the qnestion of diet, and by flint I mean the laying down of hard aml fast rnles, is not a simple one, eren though sonie writers on the snbjeet have expressed themselres in rery deeided terms, and have written down wliat shouhl and what sliould not be eaten. The result may have been rery fine to read, but I shonld not have wanted to stand by it.

In the tirst place the demand for fo.od is regnlated by the amonnt of waste materiał


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