46818 s&h 008
tlie books wbicli Lear liis Łmprint harc met with sucli astonishing success, not only in America, but in England, tbe Britisb Ool-onies, Asia, Afriea, and, in faet, all ot er tlie entirc globe.
There is probably no man liying to-day who is better equipped to write a book on Rtrengtli and Health than Yiking, tbat marve]ous athlete who, with himself as a subjeet, lias produced a ligure tbat is almost perfect, and a physique tbat will comparc farorably witb any tbe world bas ever known.
He is truły a physical as well as an in-tellectual giant.
He bas posed for many of tbe most famous artists of tbe day, and be bas beeu repro-(luced upon many notable eaurases.
Wbat be is to-day is tbe result of bis own nnaided efforts, and be gives witbin tbese covers tbe system tbat dereloped a Hercules from a slender young man of no streugtb and inditferent bealtb.
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