56160 s&h 080
gradually workeel down war<1 front the shoul-der or the liip, as the ease may be, and the muscles of the liiuh beiug treated are rolled against eacli other, causing an increase in tln* cireulation of blood.
Pereussion is done by striking with the balls of the fingers with a quick motion at the wrist, while the points of the wrist are th*xible. It bas a stimulating effeet upon the neryes.
There are many of the minor diseases of the stornach whioh may be cured, or at least relieyed, by massage, and not the least im-portant of these are indigestion, dyspepsia and eonstipation.
For these a stornach friction is recorn-mended. The position to be assnmed is a recumbent one, natnrally, although an emi-nent authority says tliis:
“Recline back on a chair and rest the feet on another chair with the knees bent, Friction is madę with both hands all orer the abdomen from the middle and ont to the
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