lirst two ineals of the day. Mcat sliould bc* eaten l wice a day.
Drink pleń ty <»f porę watci*—one "lass on lising in the lnoruing and oue w hen retiriug at ni "lit. Liquid sliould ncver be taken at the commencernent of a meal, but rather to-ward tlie close.
Tlie clothing sliould be of sufficient warinth to protect against cliills, without being of umiecessary weight, so as to iuduce perspiration. T)o not let tlie garnients tit tightly or exert an undue pressure upon any part of tlie body. Woolen underclotbing sliould be worn. varving in weight aceordiug to the season of tlie year.
Not less tłum nine liours’ sleep; ten or even alercn wonld be an adrautage.
ITot climates sliould be aroided. A mod-erately warni atinospberc is best suited.
Smoking is very detrhnental for tliose suf-fering from tbis complaint. and tlierefore sboubl be gireu up if tlie habit bas been ac-quired.