Great Basin NaturalistMemoirs

No. I I

sexdentatus, Regulative action of the cold]. Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Applicata 2(4):357-36S. (cc


__I982a. Action des Nematodes endoparasites sur la

ponte du scolytide Ips sexdentałus Boerner (ln-secta: Coleoptera). Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Applicata 3(2): 191-204. (ec).

__ 1982b. lx;s variations ponderales du tissu adipeux

et des ovaries, ct les variations de longeur des ovocvtes, chez Ips sexdcntatus Boern. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae); relations avec le parasitisme par les nematodes [The variations of the wcight of the fat bodv and the ovaries and the variations of the length of the oocytes in Ips sexdcntatus, relations with the parasitism by the nematodes). Annales de Parasitologie Ilumaine et Comparee 57(4):407-418. (ay ec).

__ 1983. Variations du volume et de la concentration

en proteines et en acidcs mines de lhemolymphe c\iez\esadu\lesd'Ipsscxdentatu$ Boern. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 95(5):447-457. (ay).

__19S4a. lmpact economique des scolytides: voie$

de recherches. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de FAcademie dAgriculture dc France 70(7):835-843. (ms).

__19S4b. Les perturbations induites par Para-

sitorhobditis ipsophila (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) dans le tubę digestif dIps sexdentatus (lnsecta: Scolytidae). Annales de Parasitologique Humaine et Comparee 59(6):597-606. (ay ec).

__ 1984c. Observationsbistologiquessurlescapsules

induites par Contortylenchus diplogastcr v. Lins (Nematoda: Allantonematidae) dans le tissu adipeux d7;>s sexdcntatus Boern. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Annales de Parasitologie Humaine ct Comparee 59(3):245-252. (ay ec).

__19S4d. Observations sur le parasitisme (Ylps scx-

dentatus (lnsecta: Scolytidae) par Parasitorhabdi-tis ipsophila (Nematoda: Rhabditidae). Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee 59(5):507-520. (ec).

__19S4e. Ovarian and hit body protein concentra-

tions in Ips sexdentałus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) parasitized bv nematodes. Journal of lnvertebrate Pathology 43(1):21-31. (ec).

Lieutier, Francois. C Geri. F Goussard. and G Rousseau 19S4. Problcmes entomologiques actuels du pin syK estre en region centre. La Foret Privec 155:25-36. (hb).

Lieutier. Francois. M Jastrabsky, and P Bonnafe. 1984. Variatious des proteinogrammes de l hemolymphe des ovaires et du tissu adipeux au cours de la vie adulte d Ips scxdcntałus Boern. (Coleoptera:    Scolytidae) [Variations in the

proteinograms of the haemolymph, ovarics and fat-body during the adult life of Ips sexdcntatus Boern. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)]. Societe Zo-ologiqucde France, Bulletin 109(3):279-299. (ay).

Lieutier. Francois. and C. Laumond 1978. Nematodes parasites et associes a Ips scxdcntatus et Ips ty-pographus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) en region parisienne. Nematologica 24(2):lS4-200, illus. (ec).

Lieutier. Francois. and C. Seureau. 1981. Encapsule-ment ccllulaire de Cortortylenchus diplogastcr v.

Linscr (Nematoda: Allantonematidae) dans le tis-sue a<]\pe\xx d'Ips sexdcntatus Boern. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) [Cellular encapsnlation of Con-tortyhnehus diplogastcr in the fat body of Ips sexdentatns]. Annales Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee 56(6);607-612. (ay ec).

Lieutier. Francois. and Eric Vallet 1982. Observa-tions sur les nematodes parasites et associes aux principaux Scolytidae ravageurs du pin sylvcstre en forets d Orleans et de Sologne [Observations on nematodes parasitising and associated with the Principal scolytid pests of Scotch pine in the forests of Orleans and Sologne]. Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Applicata 3(2): 131-148. (ec).

•Liciit, DOUGLAS Mason. 19Sla. Chemoreception in the bark beetle, Ips paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Unpublished dissertation, University of California, Davis. 316 p. ().

__1981 b. Chemoreception in the bark beetle, Ips

paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Dissertation Abstracts 42(03-B):S9S-899. (ec).

__19S3a. Sensitivity of antennae of małe and female

Ips paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to their natural aggregation pheromone and its enan-tiomeric components. Journal of Chemical Ecol-ogy 9(5):561-584. (ay bv).

--19S3b. Sensitivity of antennae of małe and female

Ips paraconfusus (Coloeptera: Scolytidae) to its pheromone and other behavior-modifying Chemicals. Journal of Chemical Ecology 9(5):585-606. (ay bv).

Lioht, Douglas Mason, and Martin C. Birch. 1979. lnhibition ofthe attractive pheromone responsc in Ips paraconfusus by (R)-(-)-ipsdienol. Naturwis-senschaften 66(3): 159-160. (bv).

__ 1982. Bark beetle enantiomeric chemoreception:

greater sensitivity to allomonc than pheromone. Naturwissenschaften 69(5):243-245. (bv).

Light. Douglas Mason, Martin C. Birch. and T. D Paine. 1983. Laboratory study of intraspecific and interspecific compctition within and between two sympatric bark beetle species, Ips pini and /. paraconfusus. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 96(3):233-241. (ec).

Liciit, J. T., and W B Burbridce. 19S5. Effccts of out-breaks and management responses on big gamc and other wildlife. Pages 37-43 in M. D. McGre-gor and D. M. Cole (eds.), lntegrating management strategies for the mountain pine beetle with multiple-resource management of lodgepole pine forest. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report 1NT-174. (cii ec).

Liciit. S S. 1947. Report of the Entomologist. Tea Research Institute ofCeylon. Bulletin 1.76-20. (cn).

♦Lichtle, Paul C 1955. Experiments on control of Elytrodcrma needle blight of pines by sprays. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Rangę E.\-periment Station. Research Notę 92. 6p. 0.

LlGNiTZ. 1875. Erwiderung auf die Abhandlung des Cogho z u Seitenberg in der Grafschaft Glatz uber das Uberłliegen des Fichtenborkenkafers. Jahr-buch des Schlesischen Forstvereins 1S75:231. (cn).


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