Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs

No. 11

__1961. Recorded Dutcli elm disease distribution in

North America as of 1959. Plant Disease Reporter 45:74-75. (en ds).

__ 1962. Recorded Dutch elm disease distribution iii

North America as of 1961. Plant Disease Reporter 46:715-718. (ds).

__ 1965. Bidrin: a Massachusetts evaluation. Annual

Conference on Dutch Elm Disease, Proceedings 20:12-15. (cn).

__19S0. Bark beetles, Ceratocystis nimi and Dutch

elm disease. Pages 133- 14S in K. F. Harris, and K. Maramoroseh (eds.), Vectors of plant patho-gens. Academic Press, Inc, New York. xiv + 467 p. (ec).

HOLMCREN. Ai cist Emil. 1867. Dc for trąd och buskar nyttiga och skadliga Insekterna jemte utrot-ningsmcdcl for dc sednare. Albert Bonniers, Stockholm. 362 p. (hb ds).

HoLROYD. J. D S .a.\D D k Barrett. 1966. The Oxford Universitv expedition to Mexico 1965. Oxford Ex-ploration Club, Rulletin 14(3): 1 — 12. (ds).

Holst. Eucene Christian 1936. Zijzosaccharomijces pini, a new species of yeast Associated witli bark beetles in pines. Journal of Agricultural Research 53:513-518. (ec).

__ 1937. Aseptic rearing of bark beetles. Journal of

Economic Entomology 30:676-677. (ec ms).

Holsten. Edward 11 1979 Supplement. sj)rucc beetle risk rating for wbite spruce on the kenai Penin-sula. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Technical Report R-10-3. 10 p. (cn).

__ 1980. Spruce beetle: Copper Valley Electric.

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Biological Evaluation R-10-S0-4. 9 p. (cn).

--19Sla. Spruce beetle: Chugach National Forest,

Anchorage Ranger District. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Biological Evalu-ation R-10-S1-4. 20 p. (cn hb).

--19S1 b. Spruce beetle: Copper Vallev Electric As-

sociation. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Serviee, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Biological Evaluation R-10-81-3. 13 p. (cn hb).

--19S2. Spruce beetle: Anchor Point, Alaska.

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Alaska He-gion, Biological Esaluation R-10-S2-2. 15 p. (cn hb).

-- 1984. Factors of susceptibility in spruce beetle

attaek on wbite spruce in Alaska. Entomological Society of British Columbia. Journal 81:39-45. (bv ec).

Holsten. Edw ard H .Thomas A Lu rent and Robert D Ayerill. 1980. Alaska Region (R-10). Pages 64-66 in P. W. Orr and H. 1) Brown, Forest insect and disease conditions in tlie United States, 197S. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. vi 4- S3 p. (cn).

Holsten. Edward H.. and Richard A Werner. 1984. Evaluation of methyocyclohexenone (MCII) in preventingor suppressing spruce beetle attacks in Alaska. United States Department of Agriculture,

Forest Service, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Technical Report R-10-6. 16 p. (cn).

Holsten. Edward II Richarda. Werner, and Thomas l! Laurent. 19S0. lnsects and diseases of Alaskan forests. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region, Report 75. 187 p. (cn hb).

Holsten. Edward łl. and R L Wolfe. 1979. Spruce beetle risk rating system for white spruce on the Kenai Peninsula. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Scrvice, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Alaska Region, Technical Report R-10-1.21 p. (cn).

__1981. Collecting ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera:

Seolytidae) with an inerement borer. Canadian Entornologist 113(1 ):79—80. (cn hb).

Holsten. Edward H . and K P Zocas. 1979. Spruce beetle: Sum mit Lakę, Dry Guleli, Cooper Land-ing. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Serrice, Alaska Region, State and Private Forestry, Biological Evaluation R-10-79—1. 18 p. (cn).

Holt. William Robert 1961. Metanluzium anisopliac (Metchnikoff) Sorokin infecting larvae of the black turpentine beetle. Journal of Insect Pathology 3(1):93. (ec).

Holt. William Robert. B Kennedy, and J. W Pea-COCK 1967. Formulae for estimating sample size for Chi-square test. Journal of Economic Entomol-ogy 60(l):2S6-288. (ms).

•llOLTEY. voN 1935. Nonnen-und Borkeukaferbekamp-fung. Landwirtsehaftliehes Zentrwocbenblatt fur Polen 16:261. 0-

* 1 lOLY. Z., and V Novak 1966. Jak si usnadnit prąci se zadovymi tlakovymi postrikovaci v boji proti kurovci. Lesnieke Prace 45:235-237. ().

1 Iolzel. Emil. 1946. Ergebnisse der Koschutta-Explo-rierung. Carinthiall, 135:57-93. (ds).

__1951. V. Nachtrag zum Verzeiehnis der bisher in

Karnten beobachteten Kafer [Seolytidae, p. 157]. Carinthiall, 61:133-158. (ds).

__1961. VI. Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der bisher in

Karnten beobachteten Kafer [Seolytidae, p. 169]. Carinthia II. 71:133-169. (ds).

__ 1967. Die Fauna des Ilochmoores von St. Loren-

zen in den Gurker Alpen [Seolytidae, p. 204]. Carinthia 11, 77:195-211. (ec).

lloLZSCHUH. Caholus. 1966. Pityophthorus carniolicus Wicbem., erstmals in Osterreich nachgewiesen (Co!., Scolyt.). Entomologische Nachriclitenblatt 13:61-63. (ds).

__1969. Borkenkafer aus Osttirol. Zeitschrift der Ar-

bcitsgemeinschaft Osterreichischer Entoinologen 21(2):38-46. (ds).

__1971. Bemerkenswerte Kaferfunde in Osterreich,

ein Rcitrag zur Faunistik und Okologie mittele-uropaiseher Kafer [Seolytidae, p. 63-65]. Mit-teilungen der forstlichen hundes-versuchsanstalt Wien 94. (ds).

MIomes. MarcelV L 1947. L’utilisation des engraiset la culturc sans sol. łnst. Natl. pour 1’Etude Agron. du Congo Belge. Seinaine Agr. de Yangamhi, 1947. Coniptes Rendus 2:649-654. ().

HJomeyer. Eucen Ferdinand yon 1879. Die Spechte und ihr Werth in forstlicher Beziehung. Frankfurt am Main, V|g. Małilau und Waldschmidt. 35 p. ().


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