Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs

No. 11

1965. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 47 p. (ec).

* __ 19661). Southern and southeastern States. Pages

31-32 fn Forest inseet conditions in the United States, 1966. United States Department of Agri-eulture, Forest Serviee. 0-

__ 1969. Detection survey ofbark beetle infestations

on the Ocala National Forest, Florida. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-52. (cn).

* __ 1970a. Evaluation ofbark beetle infestations, Ap-

pomattox Court House National Historical Park, Virginia. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 70-1-15. 0-

* __ 1970b. Evałuation of bark beetle infestations,

Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 70-1-16. 0-

•Landgraf.AnielE.,Jr.,PatrickJ Barry. andR F. Bassett. 1969. Detection and evaluation of bark beetle infestation on the Atomie Energy Commis-sion Reservation and adjacent lands, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-53. Q.

Landcraf. Amel £.. Jr., Patrick J Barry, and W E. McDowell. 1969. Evaluation of Southern pine beetle infestations, Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-13. (cn).

Landgraf. AmelE.Jr.. andR F Bassett 1968. Evalua-tion of Southern pine beetle infestations on the Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Report 6S-1-20. (cn).

* -- 1969. Detection and evaluation of pine bark beetle

infestations on the Oak Ridge Atomie Energy Commission Reservation, Tennessee. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Serviee, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-15. ().

Landcraf. AmelE.Jr .J C. Bell. Jr . R. F Bassett. and E T. Wilson 1969. Evaluation of Southern pine beetle infestations on the Long Cane and Edge-field Districts, National Forests in South Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-5. (cn).

Landcraf, AmelE.,Jr., Mr. Grady, and J L Rauschen-BERCER. 1969. Evaluation of the Southern pine beetle in North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-8. (cn).

Landcraf. Amel E.. Jr . Mr. Knichtdn. and W. E McDowell. 1969. Evaluation of Southern pine beetle infestations, Long Cane District, National Forests in South Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-22. (cn).

Landgraf. Amel E. Jr . and W E. McDowell. 1969a. Evaluation of Southern pine beetle infestations on the Audrew Pickens District, National Forest in South Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-56. (cn).

-- 1969b. Evaluation of Southern pine beetle infestations on the Francis Marion National Forest, South Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-39. (cn).

* __ 1969c. Evaluation of bark beetle infestations,

Long Cane District, National Forests in South Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-44. ().

* __ 1969d. Evaluation of bark beetle infestations on

the Tyger and Enoree Districts, National Forests in South Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Privatc Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-45. ().

* __ 1970a. Evaluation of bark beetle infestations,

Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge and Hitehiti E.\perimental Forest, Ceorgia. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 70-1-31. ().

* --1970b. Forest inseet detection survey, Everglades

National Park, Florida. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 70-1-4. ().

•Landgraf. Amel E., Jr., W E. McDowell. and R. F. Bassett 1969. Detection survey of bark beetle infestation on the Osceola National Forest, Florida. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Pri-vate Forestry, Forest Pest Management, Report 69-1-54. ().

Landcraf.AmelE .Jr,and II EuceneOstmafk. 1958. Forest inseet conditions in the central Rocky Mountains, 1957. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Rangę Experiment Station, Paper 34. 20 p. (cn).

•Landcraf. AmelE.Jr ,J D Ward, and W. E. McDowell. 1969. Evaluation of bark beetle infestations on the Redlands and Uncle Remus Districts, Oconee National Forest. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Region, State and Private Forestry, Report 70-1-32.


•Landcraf, Amel E, Jr.. E. T. Wilson. W. D McDowell. W E. Fennell. and R. F. Bassett. 1969. Evaluation of bark beetle infestation on the Brasstown, Chattooga and Tailulah Districts, Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia. United


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