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__ 1938. Insect eneinies of western forests. (Revised
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__ 1943. Ponderosa pine tree cla.sses redefmed. Jour-
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* __1945. Developments in forest insect eon troi in the
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__ 1946. Entomology in western pine siMculture.
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__1949a. Notes on sonie forest insects of Baja Califor-
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__I949b. Pine bark beetlcs. United States Department of Agriculture, Yearbook 1949:427-432. (cn).
__1950. The inlhicnce of insects on ponderosa pine
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__ 1952a. Bark beetlcs in forests. United States Department of Agriculture, Yearbook 1952.6SS-694. (cn).
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* --1955a. A progress report on insect mortality stud-
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--1955b. The ratę of natnral lalling of beetle-killed
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-- 1925a. Ein Versuch der Ainvendung mathema-
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__ 1925b. Korniki (lpidac) zbiorów Działu Entomologicznego Państwowego Instytutu Naukowego w Puławach [lpidae of the Entomological Department of the Institute for Agricultural Kesearch in Puławy]. (Z. Działu Entomologicznego) Państwowy Institut Naukowego Gospodarstwaw-iejskiego w Puławach, Kraków' 3:269-276 (1922). (ds).
__ 1927a. Fossile Borkenkafer und Bermerkungen
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