
Great Basin Natura ust Memoirs

No. 11

Elkinton. Joseph Sturce, and David Lee Wood. 19S0. Feeding and boring behavior of the bark beetle Ips paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) on the bark ofa host and non-host tree species. Canadian En-tomologist 112(S):797-S09. (bvhh).

Elkinton. Joseph Sturce. David Lee Wood. and Lloyd E. Brówne. 1981. Feedingand boring behaviorof the bark beetle, Ips paraconfusus, in extraets of ponderosa pine phloem. Journal of Chemical Ecology 7(l):209-220. (bv hb).

Elkinton. Joseph Sturce. David Lee Wood. and L. B HenDRY 1980. Fheromone production by the bark beetle Ips paraconfusus in the non-host, white fir. Journal of Chemical Ecology 6(6):979-988. (bv).

Ellefsen, Svein. 19S0a. Fra skogforskningen. Billeskadet tommer til skur. Norsk Skogbruk 26(11):25. (cn).

__19S0b. Fra skogforskningen. Duftstoffer som

tiltrekker stripet vedborer. Norsk Skogbruk 26(5): 16. (bv).

__19S0c. Fra skogforskningen. Margboreren-alvor-

ligskadeinsekt pafuru. Norsk Skogbruk 26(10): 16. (bv hb).

__19S0d. Fra skogforskningen. Pinus contorta-

betenkelig? Norsk Skogbruk 26(11):24. (cn).

__19S0e. Fra skogforskningen. SignalstołTer hos

barkbiller—til bruk i bekjempelse. Norsk Skogbruk 26(5): 15-16. (bv).

__19S1. Fra skogforskningen. Ersvekkede traer mer

utsatt for granbarkbille-angrepenn friske traer? Norsk Skogbruk 27(4):24. (bv).

Elliot, Charles N . and M D Mobley 1938. Southern forestry [Scolytidae, p. 331-336]. Pages 328-337. Turner E. Smith Co., Kingsport, Tennessee, (cn).

•Elliot. F. A 1911. Oregon Board of Forestry to assist in checking tree insects ravages. Timberman 12(8): 54. 0-

Elliot. Ernest a., and Claude Morley. 1907. On the hymenopterous parasites of Coleoptera. Entomo-logical Society of London, Transactions 1907:7-75. (ec).

Elliott. Ernest William. 1970. Host selection by pio-neer beetles of Ips grandicollis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Unpublished dissertation, Duke Uni-yersity School of Forestry, Durham, North Caro-lina. xi 4- 109 p. (bvec).

Elliott. Ernest William. Gerald Norman Lanier. and J B SlMEONE. 1975. Termination of aggregation by the European elm bark beetle, Scolytus mulłis-tńatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology l:2S3-289. (bv).

Elliott. H J..J L Madden. andR. Bashford 19S3. The association ofethanol in the attack behaviorof the mountain pinhole borer Platypus subgranosus Sched! (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodi-dae). Australian Entomological Society, Journal 22:299-302. (bv).

Elliott. K. R . and V Hildahl 1963. Forest insect con-ditions. Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Pages 78-85. Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Insect and Pathology Branch, Forest Insect and Disease Sureey, Annual Report 1962. 134 p. (cn).

-- 1964. Forest insect eonditions. Manitoba and

Saskatchewan. Pages 76-85. Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Insect and Pathology Branch,

Forest Insect and Disease Survey, Annual Report 1963. 13S p. (ds).

__ 1965. Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Forest insect

eonditions. Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Pages 79-89. Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Entomology and Pathology Branch, Forest Insect and Disease Survey. Annual Report 1964. 141 p. (cn).

ELLiorr. K R. and J G Laut 1966. Manitoba-Saskatchewan Region. Pages 66-80. Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Insect and Pathology Branch, Forest Insect and Disease Suryey, Annual Report 1965. 126 p. (cn).

Elliott. K R..J G Laut. and N R Brandt 1967. Mani-toba-Saskatchewan Region. Pages 75-94. Canada Department of Forestry, Forest Insect and Pathology Branch, Forest Insect and Disease Suryey, Annual Report 1966. 142 p. (cn).

Ellioit, William J . and J. Fried. 1976. Stereocon-trolled synthesis of alpha-multistriatin, an essen-tial component of the aggregation pheromone for the European elm bark beetle. Journal of Organie Chemistry 41(14):2475-2476. (ay bv).

Elliott. William J. Georce Hromnak, Josef Fried, and Gerald Norman Lamer 1979. Synthesis of multistriatin enantiomers and their action on Scolytus multisthatus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 5(2):279-287. (bv).

Ellis. Don Edw in 1939. Ceratostomella ips associated with Ips lecontci in Arizona. Phvtopathology 29:556-557. (ec).

•Elsner. F 1963. [Forest protection 165 years ago]. Waldhygiene 5(4):97—103. (cn ms).

Elton. C. S 1970. Aulonium trisulcum Fourc. (Col., Colydiidae) in Wythara Woods, Berkshire; with remarks on its status as an invader. Entomologists x\lonthly Magazine 106:190-192. (ec).

Elton, E. T G. 1946. Overzicht der beschikbare gegeyens o\'er insectenplagen in onze bosschen enandere houtopstanden in het jaar 1945 [English summary], Nederlandsch Bosbouw Tijdschrift 18:210-213. (cn ds).

__ 1947. Oyerzicht der beschikbare gegeyens over

insectenplagen in onze bosschen enandere houtopstanden in het jaar 1946 [A survey of the available data on the insect pests in forest and other ligneous growths in the Netherlands in 1946]. Nederlandsch Bosbouw Tijdschrift 19: 247-254. (cn ds).

__ 1949a. Oyerzicht der beschikbare gegevens over

insectenplagen in onze bossen en andere houtopstanden in het jahr 1947 [Re\ie\y ofayailable data on insect pests in Dutch forests and other ligneous growths in the Netherlands in 1947]. Nederlandsch Bosbouw Tijdschrift 21(1):6-15. (cn ds).

__ 1949b. Oyerzicht der beschikbare gegeyens o\er

insectenplagen in onze bossen en andere houtopstanden in het jaar 194S. Nederlandsch Bosbouw Tijdschrift 21:332-344. (cn ds).

__ 1950. Dcndroctonus micans Kugel., a pest of Sitka

spruce in the Netherlands. International Congress of Entomolog) , Proceedings S:759-764 (194S). (hb).

--1951. Oyerzicht der beschikbare gegeyens over

insectenplagen in onze bossen en andere houtopstanden in het jaar 1950. Nederlandsch Bosbouw Tijdschrift 23(9):227-23S. (cn ds).


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